1st Edition Dark Charizard Holo Price

What is the current value for a 1st edition Dark Charizard Holo PSA 10? Hard to find recent sales data, I know they were hovering around the 2.5k mark but that was a month or so back.

The team rocket series is pretty underrated, 1st edition base, blaines, and shadowless charizard getting all the attention right now, I want to add another 1st ed dark charizard to my collection so need some input, thanks

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I sold 2 copies to Logan Paul’s friend for $7,000 each last week.

Set of charmander charmeleon and charizard confirmed bin at $8,000 last week as well.

I think you’d need to offer $8,000 to pry one atm


Wow! A 10 is pushing 8000 now??

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These were like $200 a year ago…someone hit a massive homerun

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Dude, Charizard 2020. Everyone hit a home run on any wotc charizard if they had any one 6 months ago or more.


I am so thankful I had the opportunity to aquire a few graded shadowless Charizards and a few nice base unlimited charizards including a 9 and some 7s. They’re blowing up.


Guys a shadowless Charizard, let’s say PSA 7 for example, went from 1 thousand ONE OR TWO MONTHS AGO to 5000.00


I mean I am a collector so I see this as double edged. I wanted a graded one–now out of reach. So bad for me personally. But good for people looking to sell I suppose.

I’m curious what a psa10 shadowless zard would go far. We’ll see if one shows up for sale.

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This price is going to change by november if everything keeps going up like this. Cant find one listed for lower than 12K atm