1st Edition Booster Box Opening via YouTube

Hey sometimes people are just a little envious of certain things (like someone else opening a 1st edition base box) and pick out negative aspects a little easier as a defense mechanism.

This is the internet, man. Nothing is personal and for all you know, I could be a horse. No worries :blush:

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Welcome to UPCCC :wink:

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Where do you buy your boxes from?

I am in the market for some and would appreciate any advice you can give.

So in the same post you tell people not to make wild assumptions about what you paid for the box, you start throwing out presumptuous drivel about people being ā€˜kidsā€™ and not having ā€˜real jobsā€™ and peoples living conditions. Get that chip on your shoulder sorted out.

By all means come here and give us some more info on your box opening and how it all panned out. But donā€™t throw a tantrum and cry about it.


I feel your pain about that box! Look on the bright side you got to open a 1st Edition base set box!!! I never had the pleasure to open this legendary set! my parents never had the spare money to buy the cards for me when I was a kid. The suspense on that last card though, I was scared for you and when it was revealed to be a chansey im sure the Jedi felt that one!

crack, you can leave now

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Dare I ask why you compare a Black Lotus to the possible highest value card in the base set like Charizard? Or even a box?

Yeah, they are both worth a lot of money but so are many other cards. I think you need to relax mate.

We were all diappointed you didnā€™t pull a Charizard mate.

This video is what made me sub to your yt, the fact you even got to open one of these up is amazing, I thought you would have made money on it considering the packs sell for what like $200-300 each graded? As for commons and uncommons which of those pull the most money? Not that Iā€™m a reseller but Iā€™m just interested.

the starters/pikachu and there evolutions do well

Weedle all the way.

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I have a real job, live with my parents and find this offensive



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What about the ā€œFffffch Eerrrgh im gonna kill myselfā€ outburst, you must admit, that was crude.

People are going to criticize anything you or I do so getting upset about it isnā€™t helping anyone. Objectively speaking you put out a video for us to watch. The reason you put out the video is irrelevant if all you cared about was doing it to look back because you could have put it on private (iā€™ve watched some of my old videos and enjoyed reliving my openings so i understand recording them). Since its in public view people watched and Iā€™m sure many people enjoyed it even though they had a criticism (not all criticisms are negative). Your excessive trembling (in the majority of UPCCCā€™s opinion) detracted from the opening. A decent portion of the video and you were focused on the trembling and what others thought. Given the rarity, value and how much that box means in terms our collection we all understood why you were trembling but it just simply took away from just how good of a video it could have become.

I like you and I like your videos so Iā€™m not going to get into an argument about what you said in response to this. Just know that thereā€™s been similar threads/discussions that sounded harsh to other members here that lead to heated discussions and arguments. Those such debates have led better understandings of each others viewpoints, outside perspectives and overall healthy community and friendships. I also highly doubt anyone here meant anything malicious against you in their posts. For future responses just try to put your thoughts in a well reasoned and logical response as to your side in the discussion or argument because thatā€™ll lead the other people to understand where youā€™re coming from. Youā€™ll gain far more from this community if you dont let this thread rile you up than if you if you were to let it stop you from joining.


In other news, anybody have a base set 1st box theyā€™re willing to sell (or trade)? These sketchy eBay boxes have been keeping me away. It seems like we have all the right people on this topic.

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I second this. Anyone??

Please tell me itā€™s to open on yt, if so someone sell this man a box!

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Iā€™d open it on YouTube. :blush: Iā€™m at the point now that Iā€™m either buying a base set box or a PSA 10 charizard. Iā€™d love to take my chances on a box.


Since I sold my 9 box lot, and with all the reseals around, Iā€™m overvalueing the couple I have left. Probably wouldnā€™t sell anymore anyway.

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YESSS Roll those dice!
