1st edition base box resealed?

Came across this 1st edition base box. To me it looks sketchy because the wrap seems to loose from what I have seen on other boxes. Comment your thoughts below!


You need a little more to authenticate that. Could be real…or fake, which doesn’t help you much lol.

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Haha yeah, Im going to ask them for a video. Ill let you know if I get a video. Figured you would be the best one I could ask on helping to authenticate it lol

A lot movement in the 1st ed base boxes recently. Seems like TCA spooked the market and i wouldn’t be surprised if a few of the ones for sale recently may be rewraps with the owner trying to cash out.



This is my box. Need to make a video about it. Long story short, guy had a compelling offer - I wasn’t going to sell, but I always talk to serious offers because who knows down the line. He wanted more pictures…I made a mistake. Now he has “unique” pics of my box and is trying to scam people to buy it.

I’ve never had such a highly coveted item and I made a rookie mistake taking genuine pics of the box without a watermark or anything to show it isn’t theirs. I can assure you…he won’t have a video available of that box.


Oh snap! That’s crazy. How does he expect to sell a box that he does not actually have, unless he has a rewrap on the side? That’s just down right horrible that he is trying to pass off something that expensive. Where is he trying to sell it!?

Even if I had the money, this whole thing just makes me so nervous about buying big boxes. It really needs to be a reputable seller or you need to see it in person.


I was comparing it with confirmed factory sealed boxes the last couple hours and was about to say that either it is fine, or re-seals have unfortunately reached another level. Good to know that it is indeed a legit box.

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Wow seriously?? Thats very strange cause I asked him for pics with a time stamp and he provided me with them. Maybe he photoshopped the time stamp in if he did he’s very good at it. So these are the exact pics you sent the guy?

Yes exact. Go ahead and ask for a video he won’t be able to do it.

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He will just ship you an empty package lol I’ve been involved with scammers and had to get police reports plenty of times. Honestly ridiculous the things that people think they can get away with.

Seriously the nerve of people these days is crazy…Thank you for the heads up!