Y!J Help

This may have been a topic before but I cannot find anything on it. I have found some cards I want from Yahoo Japan. I have a couple questions though.

First: When I try to sign up it is asking for a postal code. However nothing I put in works. My postal code is 80016-2235. I have tried as many variations as I can with absolutely no luck. Any suggestions?

Second: How can I tell if the seller is willing to ship internationally to the US? I don’t really see an area with the price.

Thanks for your help

This guide will tell you all you need to know.

But to be clear the first thing it says is “Unless you are a resident of Japan, you cannot use Yahoo! Japan auctions without the help of a middleman. A middleman is someone who offers their services for a commission, and literally acts as the middle point of correspondence”

That was extremely helpful. Thank you very much. Do you think it is worth it in the end for lower priced cards? I was looking at a card that is going for about $40 on ebay but it is priced at about $15 on Y!J. I am sure I can find a few cards to but at once if need be

Make sue you factor in all the fees. It could end up to be significant.

I’ll make a few points.

  • Take into account Middleman charges. i.e. I use Noppin, with Noppin fees this is what you actually pay.

15 Dollars + 5 Dollars (Fee) + 2.50 (Bank Fee) + 3.5% (Payment Fee) + Domestic shipping to Noppin + Shipping to you. It quickly adds up. Basic EMS envelope to US is about $12 i think. So we are almost back at $40 with no protection if you get a bad condition card.

Most recently a Sealed Card i bought for 600 YEN ($6) cost em $15 total before shipping to me. I was still happy with that and factored it in when making the purchase. (shipping to me was nothing since i had a 20KG parcel there already the weight of a card didn’t affect the price)

-Photos on Y!J tend to suck and you can never really get a good grasp of condition. If it’s a card worth $40 I’d assume you’d want it in NM/Mint. Translations suck and images from all JP sellers even on Ebay never seem clear enough to determine.

-I’ve been slugged really badly on domestic shipping fees. I’ve had 15kg parcels cost about $12 shipping within Japan and a few singles which charged about $8. This could kill a purchase.

-There are a few middlemen services around so do your research. Noppin works for me but from what i understand is the more expensive middleman service. But allows real time bidding and 60 day period to hold goods so you can consolidate.

Hope this helps.