WTT Sealed Booster WOTC packs for PSA 9 Shadowless Charizard

Willing to trade all below:
1 Charizard Art Base Set 1st ed booster (valued around $1200)4 1st edition Neo Genesis Boosters all 4 arts (valued around $450)
1 Shadowless PSA 9 Charizard (value around $1500)

Thank you!

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Are you only doing trade or can you also put in cash?

I am also adding two 2 1st Edition Team rocket booster packs so an extra $100 in value… another member who messaged me interested in the trade wanted pic, and upon closer inspection there is a little wear on the silver crimp of the base pack from age. . waiting on response.

If you wanted cash as well, that is a bit much. Think I am offering a more than fair deal on what the Shadowless Zard is currently selling for, probably am offering now approx $1700+ in Sealed product.

I think he meant if you are open to purchase the card or if you’re only interested in a straight trade. I think a lot of people have the card you’re looking for, but not everyone is looking for sealed packs. I agree that your offer is solid though.

Ah my bad, if that is the case then no, trade is all I can do for now thanks!

I have a Shadowless Charizard PSA 9. Although this is a fair deal, I’m not willing to let mine go.

Have you considered selling your items and then purchasing on ebay? There’s several decent zard 9s listed right now.

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not a bad trade good luck :blush: