Hi all!
I want to trade.
I want Masaki promos.
Of these cards, what you can exchange.
I am not care about the condition of these cards.
I think Masaki promos is $ 30 ~ 50.
Please tell me which cards you can trade and which card (cards) you want.
Please choose a card so that your card worth will be equal.
Depending on the condition of your card, I will consult how many cards I will offer.
Let’s negotiate.
キュウコン (Ninetales)(EX)
レアコイル (Magneton)(EXNM)
ニドキング (Nidoking)(played)
ニドキング (Nidoking)(EXNM)
ライチュウ (Raichu)(played)
ラッキー (Chansey) (NM)
スピアー (Beedrill)(Mint)
ピジョン (Pidgeotto)(NM)
ポケモン育てやさん(Pokémon Breeder) (NM)
ニョロボン (Poliwrath)(EXNM)
ピッピ (Clefairy)(EXNM)
退化スプレー (Devolution Spray) (Mint)
カイリキー (Machamp)(Mint)
エレブ- (Electabuzz)(EXNM)
ポケモン交換おじさん(Pokémon Trader) (NM)
パソコン通信 (Computer Search) (NM)
ギャラドス (Gyarados)(NM)
All uncommon no rarity cards(NM~Mint)
All common no rarity cards(NM~Mint)
Ancent Mew is Ⅱ(NintendoⅡ)
_______'s Pikachu(Natta wake)(NM)
Toyota Pikachu (NM)
any promo cards.
other cards are Mint condition.
Check many promo cards.↓