Open to any offers, flexible towards partial trades and $. Really will hear out any offer you’d think sounds like a good offer on the card.
Some things I’m interested in (but not necessary to offer):
PSA 10 Snorlax Cards
PSA 10 Rocket Returns Quagsire Reverse
Pack fresh/PSA 10 contenders for the following:
Japanese Unseen Forces (Typhlosion Deck) Unlimited
Japanese Dragon Frontiers (Offense and Defense of the furthest ends) Unlimited
Japanese Rising Rivals (Bonds to the end of time) Unlimited
Japanese Plasma Freeze (Thunder Knuckle) Unlimited
Secret Wonders
Rising Rivals
Rising Rivals Reverse
Hear Gold Soul Silver Reverse
Plasma Freeze
Plasma Freeze Reverse
Dragon Majesty
Dragon Majesty Reverse
Unbroken Bonds Reverse