[WTB] PSA 10 UED Japanese Dragon Frontiers Goldstars/Holos

**Unlimited ONLY


  • 015/068 Mew Star δ (BIG WANT) ($400)
  • 022/068 Salamence ex δ ($100)
  • 030/068 Ninetales δ ($75)
  • 042/068 Pinsir δ ($75)
  • 055/068 Nidoking δ (BIG WANT) ($250)

If anyone has raw copies for sale, I’d be more than happy to purchase those as well.


Good luck man, been going after this set for a few years and it’s ridiculously difficult to complete.

So I’ve heard :slightly_frowning_face:

You after the 1st edition or Unlimited set?

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I’ve got a couple 10s in both 1st edition and unlimited. UED is by far your best chance for 10s though, the centering is noticeably better.


Lemme cop them 10s in unlimited


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Oh, I’d never even think of selling them unless someone offered me something outrageous. I’ll keep my eyes open for mint cards in your price range though! :blush:

Are you only interested in the Unlimited print? I am selling my mint 1st ed set (minus a few cards).

i’LL get back to you, I recently purchased a very large PCG lot and may be able to fill in the blanks you’re missing.

If I can I’ll most likely try to buy a set or two :blush:

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Sounds good! :blush:

That Charizard is going to be pretty tough. I sold an Unlimited PSA 10 for $700ish right after the gold star bubble burst. I haven’t seen many since then. The silver lining though is as Ethan said, the centering is better for unlimited.

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Good luck! It’s a great looking set, a couple of cards im afraid will be very hard. Kingdra ex especially, unlimited will most likely be kinder to you though like fstcg said :blush:


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I have ur salamence bby