WTB Spanish Reverse Holo Porygon

I am nearing completion of my Porygon set, and thus looking towards the rarest/hardest to find cards to add to my collection.
I am therefor looking for the Spanish EX Unseen Forces Reverse Holo Porygon, and happy to negotiate pricing for it :blush:

Bounty of $75 for information that leads to a sale! :blush:

· Spanish - EX Unseen Forces - Reverse Holo - $325

SPOILER: Click to show

Spanish Reverse Holo

If you have it, or know someone that does/might, please send me a message!

Best Regards


Added a bounty, and increased the price :blush:

Upped the bounty and the price for the card! :blush:

Bump! :blush:

Increased the price again - one of the last 2 “hard-to-find” cards for my Porygon collection!

What’s the other hard to find card if you don’t mind me asking?


@mjisaacs, Japanese Porygon - Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean 080/106, non-Holo UED code WW0-8F9-1UU :blush:


Bump! Still looking - does noone have any idea who might possess one? :blush:

Bumping the price again :blush: Has noone seen this card at all?

I dont know french or spanish so the language could be right, but in the picture you showed of the porygon card. the hp is in french, do you how that happened?

Seems like the Spanish cards switched from PI to PV when the EX sets were released, unsure why they were changed though.

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No, that picture he has is definitely Spanish. :blush: Italian and Spanish sets have changed their HP around a few times:



Still looking for this, bumped the price a bit.

Please reach out, even if it’s only a suggestion of where to look! :blush:

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Please close the thread! :blush:

Found the card :blush:


Awesome! Big congrats. So you’re only missing those easy English cards you’ve saved for last and then your Porygon collection in all languages and variations is complete? :grin: Or have there been any new Porygon releases in the mean time?

Anyway, big congrats on finding this last card. I know what it feels like, since I have my final Seviper incoming right now as well. :blush:


Thank you! I am actually missing one last Japanese card (EX Unseen Forces UED variant), which I am currently making a buy-thread for :wink:

Feels incredible to get that one out of the way - I have been scouring the internet for quite a while - and when I took a break, someone finally found a lead, that led to a sale :rofl: Funny how stuff turns out well :blush:

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