WTB PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Wotc Holos (Updated!)

Hello! I am looking for these cards to add to my collection, and I thought it would be a good idea to try to extend my search to E4. Please let me know if you think my offers are fair or not! Thank you for looking! I am open to negotiating :blush:

**Cards I am After:

Currently I do not have the funds to pick up any more big cards!**

PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Discovery Tyranitar Holo - $1100 Updated

PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Destiny Light Dragonite Holo - $1100 Updated

PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Destiny Dark Typhlosion Holo - $1000 New

PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Destiny Dark Donphan Holo - $500 New

Please note that if I am able to pick one of the ones listed above, I would most likely have to hold off on buying the others for a couple of weeks!

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Bump! Updated prices and added some new things!

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I see the Dark Donphan on ebay right now for less than 100 above your asking price. I enjoy looking up cards people want and learning/ remembering what they look like. Great looking cards you’re after, goodluck!


Thank you! Ive tried contacting the listing that is 600 best offer multiple times and received no response. Currently, i would much rather pick up the other cards, but if i could get it for 500 plus tax then i will happily purchase it!

I appreciate you trying to help though! I might just have to purchase one if I don’t get any bites on the other offers I have!

There is another one for 592. Never hurts to just message the seller your offer even without the best offer. As long as it’s reasonable, you never know what you might get! At worst no response!

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Do you have any interest in the unlimited versions of these psa 10s?

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Might as well! Thanks for the advice :blush:

Unfortunately, I am not. Thank you for reaching out!

That one is mine . . . I apologize, I haven’t been very responsive to offers on eBay lately (with so many offers coming-in, I usually don’t respond to offers that are significantly under my asking price). Nothing personal, it’s just one of many hobbies that I try to balance, so it’s a time issue.

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Yep no hard feelings man! Usually when i negotiate I dont like to start at where I want to end at for obvious reasons!

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I have the PSA 10 1st edition Dark Typhlosion for sale at the moment. However, I am looking for more than your listed price.

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How much are you looking for? I put that as my offer because thats what the last auction ended at

I have both the dragonite and typhlosion. I am in the states as well. PM me if interested! @rybatony,


Hey man! I tried private messaging you twice about your dark donphan card and it did not go through. Would you be willing to negotiate for the card? I dont think we are too far apart, my offer being 500 and your buy it now on ebay being 600

Please let me know! Hope to hear from you :blush:

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theres a PSA 10 1st Edition Neo Discovery Tyranitar Holo on ebay for $10,000. lol
your wants thread reminded of that since I was looking at it. Some of these askig prices are expensive.
Good luckz!

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Yeah it was originally listed for 7500! People can ask whatever they want, i would set it high too if i owned it.