WTB Charizard PSA 10

Looking for the following cards below:
Paypal ready.

*LC reverse foil charizard psa 10 -$1050

*Base unlimited charizard psa 10 -$1050

*Base set 2 charizard psa 10 -$900

Edited my offers.

Probably wanna edit them again…

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There is nothing serious about a collector who offers prices like that.


Seriouscollector, welcome to the site.
The way I do it is if I would pay more than the offer then the offer is too low and I could easily sell it for more elsewhere.
Maybe do a little more research and see how close your offers are.

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Off topic, but whatever happened to LC Zards? They used to go for $2500+, now they’re down to $1500-ish.

I guess it’s not only Base Unlimited that dropped quite a bit.

OP, if you’re indeed a serious collector you probably know other serious collectors don’t like lowball offers. You’re off about 40% on these cards.

Even going back about 5 months the average sales for the LC zard are about $1390. I guess with any card the population can only go up and more copies will continue to surface as time goes on whether it’s from peoples old collections or people opening up sealed product. I think many PSA cards will continue to gradually decline until they hit their true price (whatever that may be)


I’ll let my PSA 10 Base Unlimited go for $1350 if you’re interested.