WOTC Trade I’m debating

Hi everyone!

I’m new to the forum. I used to collect as a kid and got back into the hobby a year ago. I just wanted to bounce a trade I’ve been debating about to the community to get some feedback. I have a PSA 9 1st edition non holo Dark Charizard and a PSA 9 1st edition non holo Dark Blastoise. I’m thinking about trading both for either a PSA 8 Base Set 2 Charizard or a PSA 7 Base Set unlimited Charizard. Would you do one of them trades or think it would be better to hold on to them. I go back and forth with it. Any feedback would be appreciated!

Thank you!


Completely my biased opinion, but I think the original Rocket set is easily one of the best sets of all time. So I personally would hang onto those two cards over a Base set art Charizard. Although, I do see the appeal of picking up a Base Charizard for nostalgia reasons. Tough one, but I’d stick with Team Rocket.


I think id rather have the rocket cards even though they are not holo just cause the unlimited 7 Charizard could be picked up at any time ever if you really want it. Also the unlimited 7 is definitely more valuable than the psa 8 base 2 one


Thanks for the feedback and opinions! I’m leaning towards holding on to them. I guess if they were holos I wouldn’t even think about it but since they are non holos it got me thinking a little.