Whoever bought the card I was looking at

I’m sorry for your $2500 loss. Hopefully the card you missed out on was also multi-level marketing so you saved some money this holiday season.


yes sir please sir. I understand I have wronged and want to correct my ways. Please if I can help you at all please let me

What in the hell…

Want to hear a funny sad story?

I attempted to pay closer to market rate for the card, the seller of the Zoo Card was added on IG (still hadn’t showed picture of the card). I messaged the seller something like $2.2-2.3k, and he went silent for days. I made the thread implying it’s better to pay the $2,500 on the $2k card. Same time, I purchased item on TCgplayer since the guy started ghosting my messages. (So disrespectful) I paid, still 2-3 days later, guy would not respond and finally he said he’d send a picture over as well.

So there was a paperhands gentleman that sold the card that I wanted and missed out on in this post. He sent a best offer (eager seller), and I thought hey let’s try that efour strategy mentioned, offer him a little lower then the asking price, also sent a message to inquire more about the card. Never heard from the seller again.

If I could do it over with #2 situation, I would have just paid his asking price. Someone said ‘oh it works 50% of the time messaging sellers’ and so far I’m not going to say any names, but I did not get the card and now I’m profoundly broken.

So again, just pay the frigging asking prices, you can’t highroll and try lowballing, my goodness.

thank you for that enlightening story, if you have any other words of caution for us im sure we would love to hear it!!!

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I’m pretty sure the advice I’ve offered to the forums has been sound, and the advice I’ve received has been less then optimal. It’s pretty much Coop’s picture, except those could have been my pokemon cards ‘listening to coops advice’

Silly dumb dumbs will review this thread later and be like wow what a great purchase, even though purchased AT the HIGH ‘at the time’ Such ad hoc dofooleries.

I’m so confused… can’t tell if this thread is a meme or an actual PSA


I’m just pissed I missed out on a card. And noting it pays very well (mentally and financially) to overpay for cards you would like for your collection.

Surely there’s other folks like me that enjoy buying cards for themselves, overpaying for their collection additions, not lowballing and buying as a business, especially if you don’t even have a shop.

If you can’t learn from your own mistakes, maybe you can learn from mine. And if you don’t read too good, maybe keep day dreaming.

Think about it, if you overpay, it drives the price up. Is that what you want? It shouldn’t really matter if it’s for your collection anyways, right?

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Yes overpaying is always a great financial decision


Obviously you have to buy the right stuff. The stuff your collection needs, and I agree it’s a great financial decision. Less of a headache thinking about what could have been yours. Have some 'M say it’s his card. What the hell

Considering all of multi-level marketing is a scam, I am not at all suprised.

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I do appreciate that some Zoo folks like to overpay, no big deal. Again, I would have vastly paid more for the Pokemon card I was looking at. It was comparable to house downpayments, and maybe the whole house in some areas lol

I’m guessing you don’t believe the person that bought this would have paper hands, but if you do offering above sellers ask would make it a quick flip for someone and a solution for you. But that’s unfortunately all I can say.

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I would have kept it, I don’t really care about the person who bought it tbh. I’ll probably have to buy it again for much more later. Very unlikely a person would like a quickflip on it for 10-20% more, which I am happy to pay. Right now.

Was it a psa 10 1st edition dark blastoise

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Hey Tony, that’s also a great item but no, that’s less then the zoo card I paid for, mentioned in this thread. The card I wanted was much much more.

Was it psa 7 base unlimited clefairy


Has doing that ever failed for you, may I ask, in the long term?

Either way @dblast I appreciate the passion. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say its the David Heo Blastoise.