Who should I interview?

I just got back into collecting a few months back and am absolutely loving it. I realized that there are a lot of folks also getting back into Pokemon for the first time (or 10th time) right now and I want to create a show for people like me. I’m also trying to create something different from what’s out there and to do something that’s just fun. The “show” will be across YouTube, Instagram, and likely audio via podcast. It will be a mix of How Tos (eg. How do I see if my collection is worth anything?), Interviews (eg. Collectors, Graders, Illustrators, FB group admins), and Fun (Box openings, giveaways, etc.).

Now that you get the vision, who are some people you would like to see interviewed? I know a lot of members here have their own channels and some folks do interviews regularly. But I’d love to know who you want to hear from and what topics are interesting to you.

This guy


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Average collectors. Most pokemon youtubers have already been interviewed a trillion times by others youtubers doing the exact same thing you’re planning on. Getting the more normal and average collector would be more interesting, especially since you’re new/newly back to collecting I don’t think you’d add much interviewing the more “serious collectors”.


@mads, totally hear you on that! I think if I interview the main “people” I’d want to find a new/different way to do it. For example, I have a friend who told me he still has his childhood binder. He’s going to go home in a few weeks and open it live.

Maybe start with @quuador (if he is interested). Dude’s a Pokemon knowledge powerhouse, an e4 veteran and somewhat of an icon in the community - and most importantly, I think he hasn’t been interviewed yet.


I’d volunteer but I’m just a average collector. Besides here on E4 no one’s even heard of me haha. My YouTube channel has a whopping 9 subscribers. I’d like to hear stories from other E4 members. How they got started. Collection goals. What’s currently in people’s collection etc. Edit: Here is a link to my collection thread. Videos on page 3 I’ll remove this if needed. Got the idea from poster below :slight_smile: www.elitefourum.com/t/mcorey777s-best-of-collection-videos-added/26469/1

I actually like @mads idea about interviewing average collectors. To take it a step further, I also welcome hearing voices of collectors we haven’t really seen on youtube outside of the usual hype beasts, investors, and mainstream collectors.

I say a good place to make your decision is look through people’s collections on the Collection Additions page: efour.proboards.com/board/1/collection-additions and then see which people fit your vision. Which collectors pop out to you, which make you the most curious, etc.