Collectors Podcast

Quick question. Would anyone be interested in a podcast for collecting/investing? If so what all would you want to listen to?

Thank you


For sure I would give it a listen! But it’s gotta be of decent enough quality for me to be a devoted listener


In general or Pokémon?

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Pokemon to start. Other collectibles as the Podcast grows.

Quality as in audio quality or topics?

Thank you

Quality content :blush:

I’d listen to it.

If Pokémon only or heavily focused.


For sure.

I would definitely listen in and would be interested in partaking in the production of the podcast. Either as an occasional guest or regular participant depending on schedule.

I’ve been wanting to start a pokemon based, adult oriented (no, get your head out of the gutter) youtube channel where I discuss collecting and different sets and try to do a few livestreams each week where several people can get into the chat and we can discuss the hobby. I never thought about doing it in the form of a podcast but I think it’s a great idea.


Sounds good to me, I would listen in!

Other topics meaning?

I’d give it a listen, but like others have mentioned it would need to be done well.

Been thinking about something like this for awhile. I’ve got 5+ years in broadcasting experience so if anyone is looking to make it work I’ll know what equipment you’ll need in terms of getting quality audio (spoiler: your headphone mic will not work). Shoot me a PM if you’re really looking to get into it!


Other collectible assets. However, mostly Pokemon. 90% Pokemon 10% Other collectible assets.

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Thank you

Definitely interested as well! Just hope it doesn’t turn into a weekly/monthly PWCC bash fest

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No not at all. I have a back ground in finance and want to merge two things I love into something people would enjoy.


as long as its interesting and no dead air itll work.

I work in audio production, public speaking, and education. I’d also be interested in lending my expertise and participation.