Which Pokémon you guys collect more of?

As the title says, which Pokémon card you guys favor to collect more of? As for me, it’s blastoise of course. So far I have about 18 blastoise cards…7 are graded PSA 8.5-10. 11 or them are ungraded m/nm


Another fellow Blastoise collector! I get all the Mewtwo & Blastoise cards. :blush:


Tyranitar by far but any Pokemon that looks like a dinosaur tends to get hoarded by me :blush:

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All of my favorite Pokemon in general but my main focus is on Salamence, Rayquaza, Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Ninetales. I own all variants of Salamence TCG cards in English and Japanese (if 1st Edition and Unlimited difference doesn’t count in Japanese). The same goes to Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Ninetales and with those two I want to grade all the variants. When it comes to Rayquaza though… I will never have all variants, there are just few waaay too expensive cards of this fella but I try to get what I can :grin:


Alakazam all the way. I think I have close to 100 graded Alakazam cards with the majority being PSA 10.

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Hmmmm this is a tough one…I would have to say Celebi

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Regi. That is all.


I don’t really collect any species, mainly just Gold Stars and Legend Maker cards.

Mine would be Porygon cause he’s a badass and a favourite since the base set release, also Mewtwo and Gengar.


Blastoise as well for me! Also squirtle and wartortle. My goal is to complete graded evolution sets in 10 of 1st ed shadowless and unlimited base.

The Jungle Jolteon!

Nostalgia, memories as a kid, beautiful arrangement of yellow and blue… it’s magnificent.


mine can be anything from the 2nd generation obviously. above all it has to be espeon and umbreon. other favourites are - three legendary dogs, heracross, scizor , politoad …

Besides my shining pokemon collection, I collect Minun and Plusle!

I believe I have like 10 -15 different Plusles (2 graded) and like 7 -10 different Minun.

I started this collection thanks to the pokemon video games of colosseum and Pokemon ranger :grin:

So basically this thread is *what Pokémon is in your avatar?* lol :blush:


Umbreon and Typhlosion are my favourite Pokemon i think.

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Venusaur is my favorite and I have the most quantity wise. Charizard is my second favorite and tops my collection value wise.


There’s a surprising amount of love for the humble pokeball here then :wink:

But yes, I do collect Tentacruel. and magnemite


My main focus currently lies on Charizard.

But I also like to collect some rare/holographic/artworks of:

  • Flareon
  • Deino, Zweilous and Hydreigon
  • Pikachu (there are just too many so I focus on the artworks I like)
  • Mew
  • Lugia (somehow I have not many yet, they seem so expensive compared to their rarity)
  • Shedninja (since I liked it’s uniqueness in the games)
  • Rowlet

Since black/white were the first games I played with my girfriend, I also collect her favorite Pokemon Zorua and Axew. And a good friend of mine loves Snorlax and Jigglypuff so I try to get my hands on some of these from time to time.

Hahaha you noticed that too?

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Chansey, which is tough to complete since there’s a Snap Chansey