Whats your take on the EX Team Aqua VS Team Magma set?

It’s such a unique looking set to me. All of the pokemon look so rubbery and weird but I get an incredible nostalgic vibe from them.



Very cool and unique set, but I had stopped collecting Pokemon cards at that point so unfortunately no nostalgia attached to it for me

I really like Team Magma vs Team Aqua. It has a few flaws, like having many duplicates of Basic Pokemon (e.g. Team Magma’s Baltoy) in the English set. But it has very nice EX cards, two good Secret Rares. And I really hoped they would’ve done a Team Rocket vs Team Skull set in the S&M block like the TMvTA set.

Funky set, I like

This would have been awesome.

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Big fan of this set. Have a lot of nostalgia towards this set. I think it was the new design of cards with the owners Pokemon that does it for me.

Definitely a weird looking set but it brought us this Jirachi, so I guess that’s something.


Absolutely incredible artwork.

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Best card:

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That is from ruby and sapphire isn’t it??



As the set that bid us farewell to the e reader cards, I think it deserves some cred! It also probably has the longest English set name haha.

The psyduck artwork is also quite exceptional in my opinion! drive.google.com/file/d/1-rkFs7CiF6dlEvcMFKd_ttl1cnrHbbhU/view?usp=drivesdk

Overall I think it’s a gnarly set!

EX Magma/Aqua is a perfect storm of everything I don’t like in set. The excess of bad CGI artwork, so many Pokemon being doubled and tripled up, random Sugimori art promos being tossed in despite having nothing to do with the theme, the ex cards also having nothing to do with the theme… honestly might be my least favorite set of all time? Is that a hot enough take? lol

Double Crisis took the same concept and did it much better to me.


The Team Aqua vs Team Magma set was also #6 of the Sets of Fortnight: www.elitefourum.com/t/set-of-the-fortnight-6-ex-team-magma-vs-team-aqua/16524/1 Thanks for the reminder though, I should post a new one every once in a while. :wink:


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I fully agree with this. But I also think that it’s so bad it’s got a kind of a quirky charm to it.

definately my old favourite part of forum back when i was just a lurker!