What's the best way to catalogue and share your collection?

I used Snupps for everything but it has gone belly up. Here’s what I’m looking for that Snupps used to provide:

  • Virtual “shelves” where you could tag and store your photos/scans (ie Base Set scans on the Base Set shelf, but I could also tag my graded Base Set cards as “graded” so they’d also show up on my Graded shelf)
  • Ability to follow other collectors and peruse their collection
  • Groups for discussion and sharing items from your collection (Vintage card group, Japanese focused group, etc)

I’m aware a lot of people like to use Instagram, but I think it fails at the first and last bullet point. There’s also the collection threads here, but again, the first and last bullet points are neglected. I’m super bummed that Snupps went belly up without a warning so I had no way to save all of the photos and scans I had uploaded there. Are there any competitors or alternate services that I’m not aware of?


I’m also interested in hearing what people have to say. I know some folks use PSA Set Registry, but they almost exclusively collect graded cards (and PSA slabs only at that)…

I use PSA set registry, but I do have tons of other cards and complete sets that I have not taken the time to photograph/catalogue in the section on their site where you can “Add Non-PSA Items”, but it can be done.

It’s nice now that when you grade cards PSA takes a hi-res scan of front and back, and it automatically shows up for you in your inventory list if you check the “Import SecureScan Images when adding new items to my registry” option under “Preferences” tab on left nav panel.

Someday I may take the time to add my completed sets, but would take a lot of time. You can import items from a CSV so that could speed it up, but adding photos/scans would take a long time I would think. It is easy to edit status of non-PSA items to “Getting Graded” and then over to graded inventory if/when that happens.

I am not familiar with Snupps so can’t really offer a comparison.

I’ve been using PSA set registry. I broke the top 10 on some sets but apparently the awards just go to the top person in a set or everyone who tied which is all the full PSA 10 sets. I haven’t used it for communication tho. I like to post pictures of my collection on Instagram and talk here

+1 for the PSA set registry

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For your first point, you can save instagram posts by groups you create. And then under your “saved” posts you’d have different things like “base set” or “black star promos” or whatever you create

@kanesport15, @mcorey777, @mingemirl – do you guys primarily collect graded cards? I feel like the inner completionist wouldn’t be able to bear not being able to list my binder cards onto the registry

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I mostly collect graded. My inner completionist wouldn’t be able to bear not knowing what number PSA decides to stick on the slab :grin:

Makes sense then – honestly, I’m in the same camp as you… my wallet just isn’t fat enough to collect all the graded cards I want LOL

What’s your favorite card of your collection?

Probably my JP Base Venusaur. Im not really a no rarity guy, but if I had a grail type card in mind it would be something like the PSA 10 no rarity with Arita signature that went up on PWCC recently. That is never going to be in my budget though. What about you?

Solid. Could carry around a raw no rarity with you in the hopes of an Arita signature if you’re ever in Japan (and have the drive to do a little stalking)

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I always wonder what the story was behind all of the incredible grail-type cards like those, or the Chris Rush alpha 10 Black Lotus, etc. Im sure the stories are just as amazing as the cards. I meant to ask you the same question but probly edited my comment a little late