What was roaring skies highest price point?

What was roaring skies highest price point before the reprint/re release? Does anybody know or remember?

Want to say that a booster box was right around $300…

RIP to anyone who purchased at that price. I think I remember seeing some posted around $350, but I remember seeing so many sold boxes at $299.99.

Yeah it was so promising, too. Some hearts were broken that day

Kind of reminds me of the Runescape update that turned all climbing boots into rock climbing boots…except in reverse lol.


Yeah anybody that bought it at yhat price must feel hard done by but alot of the investors that hoarded boxes of them must have taken a big loss in potential gain too. The thing I don’t get is why would anybody sit on that box for that long? Or why anyone would invest in that box for the long term as it was only that pricey because of Shaymin and a few other good tcg cards

2 reasons -
1.Boxes being opened = less sealed boxes in the future. So while the Shaymin will no longer be playable in the future, the scarcity of sealed boxes is lowered.

2.Sitting on the box for short term gain, as long as the Shaymin was playable, the boxes were out of print, the price would increase.

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A Japanese example is Premium Champion pack, similar to Best of XY without the SR/UR which is very relevant, but it still was opened a ton because it was full of meta cards. Price has gone up quite a lot in a short time period

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Ahh so the premium box is more vastly sought out in Japan than worldwide by collectors and investors?

Shaymin is already at stupid prices again:

The reprint barely had any effect, they should have re-released it as a Promo IMO

Price wouldn’t fall too much, demand is still strong regardless of the amount of boxes, hence why its stagnant. Most players assume $50 for the card is better than $90 for a box with a chance.

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you can still pick up ROS boxes at under 90, I might get a few soon, hoping they don’t come out with it again lol

I think ROS also went up quite a bit before the reprint not only because of Shaymin’s playability, but also because of the cards featured in the set as well. Some people seem to forget all those beautiful rayquaza’s in that set. With the amount of those, and with the sheer popularity of Rayquaza in general, the boxes were bound to go up. Not to mention the printing was pretty garbage so there are a few full arts in there (Hydriegeon I think being a popular one) that are very low pop 10’s and were hard to get. So for collectors of PSA sets they would have to keep buying boxes to try and pull those cards, and since it was so difficult to get one in PSA 10 condition, they would need to buy more. (Supply+demand = price boom :blush: )