What lvl psa grade pokemon can I control with only 1 badge!?

And how do I increase my badges on here??

Ok nice. Thanks!

?? Do you mean the Pokemon badges below everyone’s name on this forum?

If so all you need to do is to reply and post more on this forum.

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Don’t listen to this, it’s only true for the boulder badge.

You can either do like @buckna suggested and use the route via smpratte’s patreon. Honestly though, most members consider this cheating because you haven’t really earned your badges.

The second way to get the badges is to contact the mods and they’ll make you perform certain “tasks”. Some mods are nice and the tasks are easy; like for the boulder badge you only need to make 10 posts. You don’t even have to contact the mod because he’s tired of all the new accounts that want to win badges.

The tasks only gets worse though, and that’s why most only have a few badges.

@cullers explained it very well in this thread




@auswulf second badge gotten and I’m not sure how!

How long until they spot the pattern?

SPOILER: Click to show

Click for {Spoiler}

A clue:


Because you got 50 posts brohemian rhapsody


hahaha @kaiohsan, you got it by posting 50 times



I am aware post count is how you gain the badges over time. It isn’t hard to see the pattern :rofl:
The meme was a joke :wink: The Pokedex in the anime and the games tends over exaggerate pokemon information entries much like what nevyn was saying that you needed to do certain tasks for moderators and admins in order to get badges. I guess interpretation helps or I should of used a different meme :rofl:

I wasn’t using “they” as in plural. Just didn’t want to assume a gender for op. :blush:

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Oh right. Oops my bad, I am old and haven’t gotten accustomed to these new gender pronouns. I will get there eventually with referring to people as “they” Hopefully it starts to click in my brain :blush:

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Seeing this thread brings back the memories… this thread was one of the first I saw after finding this forum and actually thought this was real and was determined to get them all! It wasn’t until @smpratte later explained that I realized I was an idiot and people were yanking my chain



It was such a fun thread/prank. It took place before I became a member but I was lurking at the time and I believed everything too haha

Bruh @smpratte how do I get a Master Ball badge???