What is the one sale you regret the most?

No I didn’t get it as a kid

Basically the only area really to get it was the west cost of America I think, I read something about the distribution going from west to east and somewhere along that line comes shadowless after the 1st ed print finished.

Legendary collection Booster box. :slightly_frowning_face: purchased for $200 in 2010. Sold for $900 in 2014. Now prices are anywhere from $2000 and up!

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This is all Charizard based: selling NM-Mint Charizard ex (FRLG) and a mint Charizard gold star on eBay years ago as I had lack of money. Fun fact, I’ve never owned a gold star card after that unfortunately… I think this was back in 2012.

Another regret was selling a secret rare Charizard from Plasma Storm which apparently never reached it’s destination and I refunded the buyer not knowing what happened for the card :confused: Plus I got a negative feedback from the buyer even though I refunded…


For me it’s the Team Rocket Returns Gold Stars, had all at 9s, and numbers were sequenced, I sold to a guy in europe, he got a very good deal,

They also form my youtube background, I want them back!


My PSA 10 Mew Gold Star and PSA 10 Groudon Gold Star!

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I just bid $2222 on the auction one that ended last night.

Got sniped with a few seconds to go. :sob:

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I too sold a mint set of reverse legendary set. sad day. i also sold my psa 10 1st ed base venusaur a ywar ago for 500 and a 1st ed alakazam psa 10 from base for 350 2 years ago… also a team roclet returns booster box for like 700… when theyrr going for 1k+


I’m awful at selling things, I just buy all the time. Anything I actually get around to selling is something that got upgraded or totally changed my mind about.


Honestly, this is a topic I day-dream about WAY TO MUCH… I originally got into buying/selling Pokemon Cards / Items on eBay back in 2009 - while I was a Sophomore in High School. At the time, being in High School, I did not have a lot of extra “disposable income” - it would all come from my eBay Business and Part-Time Job. While I was turning a good profit back then, there are many purchases I made where if I had held-off and kept everything, I would be killing it on eBay right now!!!

However, it is important to remember, at the time my priorities were different… I was not into the collecting aspect of Pokemon, more-so the buying to re-sell and profit!

Here are a few highlights:

1.) Loose Unl. Fossil Booster Packs - Bought 200 Packs @ $2.00 Ea.
2.) Loose WotC - Era Theme Decks - Bought 100 Decks @ $4.00 to $5.00 Ea.
3.) Sealed Japanese Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym 1, Gym 2 Booster Boxes - Bought for Around $60.00 Ea.

And my Personal Favorites…

1.) 1st Ed. Base Set Un-Common/Common Sets (NM/M) - Bought MULTIPLE from Ebirdman @ $60.00 to $75.00 Ea.
2.) PSA 10 Shadowless Charizard 4/102 - Bought for Around $300.00
3.) Sealed Shadowless Base Set Booster Box - Bought for Around $400.00


Ughh…it’s too painful to relive for me:(