What cards do you have no interest in collecting?

The thing about the bw sets was that they had AWESOME ultra rares. Now with the xy sets the ur’s aren’t really anything special. Personally I don’t try to keep up with new sets anymore. I’d much rather just purchase singles that I like and save some cash

I’m not really into B/W and X/Y cards and Jumbo’s don’t appeal to me either.
Besides these, I’ll take whatever I like :3

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I agree, I pref the WOTC range, I pretty much collect 1st gen Pokemon, including EX rocket returns. As I think that was the last set which focused purely on 1st generation Pokemon.

But WOTC had some stupid releases… lol… base set 2… seriously… like… why… again. At least Legendary had reverse Holo’s, but base set 2 used the exact same holo format again.

GEN IV I don’t have much interest in beyond that.

Base 2 is so lame. The holo patterns ARE different from the originals though. One of the reasons the early wotc sets appeal to me is their old style star holo which in later sets was changed to the spatter holo. Also the star holo effect was unique to English cards so as a collector of predominantly japanese items, this kinda made me to make an exception

I hate Legendary Collection even more than Base Set 2. Another helping of Base Set/Jungle leftovers? Ugh. Introducing reverse holos (which I hated for years, then tolerated for years, and only started liking in Emerging Powers-on)? Barf.

If WOTC really needed to stall for a few months because of Nintendo wanting the cards to adopt the e-Reader codes, they could have… gee, I dunno, translated the Vending sets? How about VS instead of giving the lamest excuse ever (those cards were NOT too powerful for that format)? More reasons to hate Legendary Collection IMO.

Personally I love all the reprints of the original cards.

But maybe I am stuck in that era just a bit. :stuck_out_tongue:


I would say English cards don’t like them except for the pika trophys

I don’t have any interest in English-language cards, either. I was in the hobby when the only cards available were Japanese, and that’s what I’ve stayed with.

Yeah, I’m a dinosaur. :sunglasses:

I also still have a hard time remembering the English-language names of Pokemon. Charizard? What the heck is that? :rofl:

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Hmm…forgot to mention the Bandai/Cardass things. Don’t like those D:

Dinosaurs will become popular again once Jurassic World comes out next year.

I hate Wizards-era cards. I just don’t like what they were doing with the card game, and never really liked those cards (except for e-Card, but I love those for other reasons). To me, they look ugly, there are too many mistakes on them, they are difficult to research, the sets are organized terribly, and I just can’t stand them.


Nate, I couldn’t have said it better myself.
I’m not a huge fan of the Wizards-era, aside from e-Series.
I just miss the cosmofoil I’m not a fan of the line holos


I can’t stand the e-cards lol. Those horrible dot matrix bars take up so much of the card and made them shrink down the artwork box a lot.

Though in general I agree that the Wizard era is highly overrated by older fans. People always go on about how those cards had much greater quality than TPCi’s sets but I see so many videos where holos are scratched, sparkle or have edge wear right out of the packs. And the most miscut card that I personally own is a Base 2 Chansey that has almost no top border. I also couldn’t stand Wizards’ little strategy of doubling up on all of the rares in smaller sets like Jungle and Fossil, or how they just didn’t translate entire sets of cards for questionable reasons, or how they regarded Pokemon as a gateway to Magic and nothing more.


Definitely some good points about wizards. As for e series, they have grown on me quite a bit. It’s a shame the artwork box was reduced by the dot matrices as there is some phenomenal art in the e sets

Oh I must certainly disagree. Okay, I can see the problems with the shrinking of the art, but the vast backstory for that entire era is just too much for me to ignore. We have the whole Mystery Continent region to explore, where there are Mysterious Mountains in the North, wind coming from the southern sea, the town on no map (Aquapolis) in the east, with the split broken earth in the west. The mysterious mountains have geysers that fighting Pokémon like Machop, Machoke and Machamp are beating the ground to expand, so that Colorless guys like Snorlax, Farfeth’d and Ursaring can enjoy luxurious hot springs. Nidorana, Haunter, and Magneton are exploring the mountain top Ancient Legendary Bird Ruins. You can see these mountains from the southern sea in oddish, who is unknowingly floating over these vast glorious undersea ruins that cards like Lanturn and Seadra are exploring. These ruins extend up onto the land and merge with a lush Apricorn forest that you can see in Bellsprout and sudowoodo.

And when an era produces such awesome commercials like the final 3 in this video, I find it really hard not to enjoy e-Card. It’s just unfortunate Wizards didn’t lose their license sooner.


This is literally every feeling and thought I’ve ever had, beautifully expressed. It’s exactly why the only complete sets I’m keeping in my collection are the e-series sets.

Wow what a narrative! Iv always liked the art in the e series but never put together the big picture!

I think that opinion is shared by many. There is some nice artwork in the E-series, but the border takes away from it for me. When the artwork is printed in both the old back and E-card style, I always choose the old back.

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Yeah my dislike for those e-sets is purely for the layout and not the artwork or any of the related backstory. The Holon sets were interesting for that as well.

I do have to say, Gyarados from the e-series is rather awful in its artwork: