What are your unpopular opinions in pokemon?

Honestly the unpopular opinion is that while I buy lots of graded cards and think they are a great standard in general, slabbed cards are more difficult to appreciate than a raw card.

The difference between a PSA 10-9-8 is pretty hard to spot and especially hard to spot once the card is slabbed into a PSA or BGS case. You get that double shine from the card holo/surface as well as the plastic slab itself and I think even PSA 6+ cards can look amazing in the case. If you covered up the grade on the case while it’s on display I think it would help a lot of people towards enjoying their collection more.


I’m a slave to PSA grading, but you’re absolutely right.

Neo > All other WOTC sets lol.

Though I do agree I like how most of the shining are in attack like poses but charizard is flying away. I mean I apperciate the card but it doesn’t seem to fit with the other shining cards (expect magikarp since its swimming away as well).

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Fourth Print Base is just not worth all the fuss. I’ll never understand it.


ex series>WOTC


Not a fan of these new HR and FA Japanese trophies. The art is boring, unappealing and has no correlation to the tournament.


Crack em.

Charizard shouldn’t be expensive just because it’s charizard


Base set blastoise had extremely boring art, every wotc blastoise that came after is better


I wish there would have been more love from wotc for blastoise and venusaur. We got 7 different charizard arts from wotc and only 4 each of blastoise and venusaur. Base blastoise is still my favorite from wotc because of the nostalgia and how iconic it is but I wanted to see more for sure.

Where is the Venusaur Secret Rare Full Art? the heck

this thread is a riot

  1. Cards with signatures are in Damaged condition
  2. BGS is trash for grading pokemon and is nothing but trouble. People being too heavily influenced by the thought of the mythical Black label (probs not unpopular on e4)
  3. Far from the first person in this thread to say this but Base set/Jungle and Fossil are boring to look at/collect.
  4. mint full foil reverse holos are underrated
  5. with regards to the holo rares, ex era Stamped reverse holos/Parallel holo are overrated (pack holos are better)
  6. misprints that are not errors with the cards graphic design are worthless

I’d rather have a damaged card by my favorite illustrator than a PSA 10 any day of the week :wink:

Venusaur seems to lose out.

Well I hope they release it soon lol

I will definitely agree with that. Also the base Venusaur art was VERY underwhelming. Wish we got those CD promo arts for Blastoise and Venusaur as others have said.

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at least the games treat venusaur well competitively as it should be

Charizard is kinda dumb looking


English Shining Legends gets docked a whole tier (S → A) solely due to the fact that the best Shining card (Lugia) can’t be pulled from packs and was made a promo instead.


Yeah… Celebi & Venusaur GX got played for like 2 weeks after it got Top 5 in a Japanese tournament. Got replaced very soon by another meta deck. No. Venusaur hasn’t seen competitive play at all. We’ll see what the upcoming Venusaur V will do, but I doubt it will have an effect on the TCG.