What are your unpopular opinions in pokemon?

@fresco , Do you know if every baseball card from that early era is worth that much, or just certain especially popular ones? Like, I’m pretty sure that Base set Charizard will always be very valuable. But I don’t think that every single WotC holo will end up at $50k or more. To go into this even deeper, is there something similar to base set in baseball? Like the very first set? Would be interesting to see how cards from that set behave pricewise
Edit: There’s another component we haven’t touched on yet. I’m a bit skeptical when drawing analogies between Pokemon and sports cards. A very important difference between the 2 is that sports cards depict humans (and successful ones at that). Humans will always be a universal object of admiration. It’s in our nature to look up to other people, be it athletes, stars, politicians… Because these people are often tied to the things we love. Sports, music, power, ideals. So even someone who has never known or seen Michael Jordan might be interested in a collector’s item featuring Jordan, if they grew up with Basketball and looked up the legends of the sport.Pokemon on the other hand is more abstract. It features imaginary creatures that arguable won’t cause the same amount of worship and adoration in later generations as humans do. I’m not sure how much this difference will influence the future of the Pokemon card game, but we shouldn’t take for granted that Pokemon will have the same fate as sports cards.

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Of course i’m not taking it for granted, just wanted to raise the question. The aspect that pokemon might something more generational seems like a good call, sports/human are a more universal but they are older as well. We still dont know whats the reach of pokemon through years since we are very young.


There is nothing wrong with picking a grass starter in any Pokémon game.

Everyone makes mistakes.

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Bulbasaur, Treecko, Snivy, Rowlet, and Grookey got an issue with that statement!


We are already seeing people buying high end 10s offer to pay a premium for stronger / cleaner PSA 10s. If BGS can up their pokemon game I wouldn’t be surprised to see subgrades normalized for Pokémon cards.


How could anyone say anything bad about Sir Rowlet. That is one daper pokemon.


I personally use to restart my game and make trades with myself using my brother or friends gameboy/switch over the years to start with all 3 starters :slight_smile: or i hatched eggs and traded the level ones to new game file the second i get the first pokeballs and can trade :slight_smile:


I wish Pokemon cards were bigger so I could appreciate the artwork more, but I also dislike Jumbo cards because they’re too big and bulky.


My least favorite thing about EX series sets is the ex cards themselves. I love everything else about these sets.

Discord wanted to burn me alive for this one.


not discord, just me


I’m down to burn this MFer to the ground!!! An attack on ex’s is an attack on me.


Ex’s are better then anything from the set in my option including Gold Stars. Sure the Rayquaza gold star is awesome but most of them are just :expressionless: they don’t do it for me at least. Some of the regular holo’s are beautiful but the ex’s are the most desirable. To me at least


I think most of the ex cards are fine but the delta species ones are pretty awful. They look really flat and bland without an actual holo pattern. I don’t mind having a water type Salamence or an electric Rayquaza but at least make the cards look as premium as the pull rates would suggest. Hell even the regular holos have the foil borders so not even that is sacred. And it’s not really the fault of the card design but the print lines on delta species cards are some of the most extreme I’ve ever seen. I remember seeing a steel type Deoxys holo that had one of the biggest print lines I’ve ever seen.

  • Base set 1st Ed charizard is hilariously undervalued and will hit the $1 million mark before any trophy card

  • If you’re thinking about holding on to a bunch of packs of something like Hidden Fates because you expect it to go up in price, so are a ton of other people. Which means you may be disappointed by the % increase over time compared to other items. Causal collectors in 2003 never thought to themselves hmm I should hold onto a box or two of skyridge for a decade. If they did it wouldn’t be $20k today.

  • Pop report is almost meaningless price data point for any card released 2009-2016 and plenty before then

  • Neo 9s and old ex 10s are in a bu.bble but will hit these prices at a stable rate regardless in time

  • The reason so many Japanese promos are cheap is because no one cares about them outside of e4

  • If there are :heart_eyes:,000 PSA 7+ copies of a card from 1999 that has been consistently graded over the years and reached a slope plateau, that qualifies as “older rarer minter better” when you consider overall demand

  • The vast majority of American collectors prefer lower grade or unlimited versions of the cards they want before considering the same card in Japanese

  • There is a disconnect with the print runs of modern sets and people buying sealed product as an investment

  • Box breaks have negligible impact on pop report or card availability. When you watch someone open a box today from 2002 just remember 99% of those boxes were opened 2002-2003 already.

  • Base Set 2 is boring but a chance to get English cards with cosmos holo

  • Legendary collection was overhyped and overvalued for a time but remains an incredible set, the reverse holos make it far beyond a regular reprint set

  • Kids who were born after the WOTC Era will still want WOTC cards more than whatever is the current most popular pokemon

  • Since holos have become undesired due to awful holo pattern and higher ultra rare pull rate we should just get rid of normal holos and have ex or offer ultra rare be 1 in 3 packs thus replicating base jungle fossil.

  • In about 5 years it’ll be basically impossible to complete certain goals that are feasible today such as a Neo 9 holo set if you are starting from scratch unless you have immense capital

  • 97 trophy pikas would be much more appealing if art wasn’t copied over. SSB > 98 pika


Oh, please, god, no.Imagine a binder full with awful 5ban graphics “ultra rare” cards instead of all the nice art that is on holo rares. Yes, the pattern is shit. They have no value. Barely any normal rare is playable in any (competitive) format but I rather pull an useless holo rare from a pack than the bulk ultra rare selling for $1.25 or less.


Don’t bother messaging me with “what’s the lowest you’ll go?”. Especially when I can see your auto rejected offers for half my listed price.


I’m going to do what’s called a pro-gamer move.
Base set 1st Ed charizard is hilariously overvalued and will hit the $1 million mark before any trophy card.


I’ll follow up @miraclegro that original era exes aren’t all that and are actually split in quality duality going either way and were the scapegoat for killing what was symbolic about holos’ prestige. Having only recently bought the ex of my dreams (Ninetales) metaphorically says that. The ex’s you described were a killing joke. The reverses sadly were shameful post exFRLG for that look at me parental advisory label over what matters to us most.

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I agree the modern ex are awful. Especially the ones with flat holo pattern. But we’ve gotten to a point where holos are a bad pull and kids are disappointed with it. Was better in Base Era where 1:3 packs had an awesome pull not 1:5 a hideous ultra rare.