Was there an Ex Ruby and Sapphire reprint back in 2005?

Anyone have any info on this? I stumbled upon a grass energy (pretty lame, I know) and it had the year 2005 on it. I’ll go take a double check and post a picture.

Here is a low quality photo… Also seemed to completely forget that the 2005 print does not have the e-series symbol.


Holy Hell! I though they were reprinting EX Ruby and Sapphire right now in 2017. I almost had a heart attack, that was an emotional roller coaster. I can’t be the only one that thought that from the title… Right?


Whoops :stuck_out_tongue: don’t want to cause any death’s here. I’ll adjust the title :')

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Maybe they released a pack of energies in a promo tin or box or something? Can’t find any 2005 prints for the regular cards, how many of the 2005 energies do you have?

I think I see a 2004 stamp on the grass energy in this lot! Hmmm, the plot thickens.


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Cards re-released in the ex Master Trainer decks have new copyright dates on each release, while keeping the same set symbol.

Here’s a picture of a Dunsparce with the same thing from ex Sandstorm

They also lose the e-reader stripe on them.

I know the theme decks around that era re-use the same set symbols from the last set with basic energies in it, so while I can’t say for certain I’d imagine they’d also redo the copyright year as well.

Hope that helps with your search :blush:


I also believe some of the Foreign EX Emerald Theme Decks had the 2005 Copyright date on them. Maybe not just the foreign ones, you would have to open an English one as well. Kind of a hard thing to confirm.


I’ve got about 5 of them

Wonderful clarification! It does seem like a silly thing to print those cards again, I guess its good that they don’t include energies in the set lists anymore.

I collect energy cards and have compiled a checklist which i posted here a while back. Do search or find it through my profile.
R&S energies cards had one of the most variants with copyrights. Took a while to wrap my head around it but i think its correct.

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