"Energy" not translated in Expedition Base & EX Ruby & Sapp?

Today I received a free Expedition Base Grass Energy with a German card I had ordered. It’s in mint condition, so I was about to replace the version I already had for nearly 15 years which I unpacked myself (and is in played condition), when I noticed they were different. The one I already had got an E-reader symbol in the bottom-left corner, and the one I received didn’t.

When checking my Pikachus of the same set I noticed the English and Japanese cards had the E-Reader symbol (and borders), and the German, French and Italian did not. Here is a picture of both the Energies and Pikachus (in English and German):

With older sets (like Base and the Gym Heroes/Challenge) the word “Energy” is translated in other languages. In English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese it’s just “Energy”, in German and Dutch it’s “Energie” (y=ie), in French it’s “Énergie” (E=É & y=ie), in Italian and Portuguese it’s “Energia” (y=ia), and in Spanish it’s “Energía” (y=ía). And the same applies to newer sets, like XY Evolutions.

Because of this I just assumed the Expedition Base and EX Ruby & Sapphire “Energy” were also translated, but apparently they remained “Energy” regardless of their language.

Here is a picture of the EX Ruby & Sapphire Energy with and without E-Reader symbol (not my pictures btw):

Am I correct in my conclusion that the Expedition Base and EX Ruby & Sapphire doesn’t have their “Energy” title translated, unlike older/newer sets?


Pretty sure some of the energies/cards from the theme decks didn’t use the E-Reader symbols.

I know that the Hidden Legends “Forest Guardian” deck used Ruby & Sapphire energy, but with no E-Reader, so I’m sure you can find some openings on YouTube to find the other energies.

Not sure on the Expedition ones though.

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I think Mightyena is correct. I have some of the Ruby Saphire, sandstorm theme deck pokemon cards and they were actually missing the ereader bardcode (when the pack versions had it).

I have a bunch of the energies from those theme decks too, but getting to them could be troublesome. I may dig through some of my energies later this weekend to check.

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Ah ok thanks! Hmm… in that case, does anyone have these cards and they know for sure they are from a German, French, Italian or Spanish release? I’m still curious if these cards have their “Energy” title translated or not.

You might both be right that I have a Theme Deck Energy in my hand, seems indeed likely, but I’m curious what the translated Energies look like in ‘non-“Energy”’ languages.


The German ones are exactly the same as the English ones from the Decks. Came across this thread again a few days ago while searching for something else, and decided to just buy a German Energy from a German seller. It arrived today, and also states “Energy” instead of “Energie”, and also lacks the symbol at the bottom-left. So if the English Decks are printed without the symbol, there seems to be no differences with the German released Energies from the Expedition Base Set.


The R&S “non-E” version to my understanding (as mentioned above) are from theme decks but there are two non-E (C) versions, 2004 & 2005. I have the 2005 version marked as theme deck released in my energy checklist but that could be wrong…**I dont think there was a Fighting Energy made because the theme decks they are believed to be from didnt release a fighting type.
I dont know where the 2004 versions originate from but there is also non-E Darkness Energy (Special) & Metal Energy (Special) (& Rainbow Energy which I dont have to confirm) **So upon some more investigation, the 2005 are from the EX Battle Stadium Trainer Kit which also included Special Darkness and Metal energies!

My Expedition energies all have the E, so i cant comment on that but I have taken note for reference purpose :wink:

**Edits. (I know this seems irrelevant to the question but it may assist in finding what was printed where based on what they came in)