Today I received a free Expedition Base Grass Energy with a German card I had ordered. It’s in mint condition, so I was about to replace the version I already had for nearly 15 years which I unpacked myself (and is in played condition), when I noticed they were different. The one I already had got an E-reader symbol in the bottom-left corner, and the one I received didn’t.
When checking my Pikachus of the same set I noticed the English and Japanese cards had the E-Reader symbol (and borders), and the German, French and Italian did not. Here is a picture of both the Energies and Pikachus (in English and German):
With older sets (like Base and the Gym Heroes/Challenge) the word “Energy” is translated in other languages. In English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese it’s just “Energy”, in German and Dutch it’s “Energie” (y=ie), in French it’s “Énergie” (E=É & y=ie), in Italian and Portuguese it’s “Energia” (y=ia), and in Spanish it’s “Energía” (y=ía). And the same applies to newer sets, like XY Evolutions.
Because of this I just assumed the Expedition Base and EX Ruby & Sapphire “Energy” were also translated, but apparently they remained “Energy” regardless of their language.
Here is a picture of the EX Ruby & Sapphire Energy with and without E-Reader symbol (not my pictures btw):
Am I correct in my conclusion that the Expedition Base and EX Ruby & Sapphire doesn’t have their “Energy” title translated, unlike older/newer sets?
Pretty sure some of the energies/cards from the theme decks didn’t use the E-Reader symbols.
I know that the Hidden Legends “Forest Guardian” deck used Ruby & Sapphire energy, but with no E-Reader, so I’m sure you can find some openings on YouTube to find the other energies.
I think Mightyena is correct. I have some of the Ruby Saphire, sandstorm theme deck pokemon cards and they were actually missing the ereader bardcode (when the pack versions had it).
I have a bunch of the energies from those theme decks too, but getting to them could be troublesome. I may dig through some of my energies later this weekend to check.
Ah ok thanks! Hmm… in that case, does anyone have these cards and they know for sure they are from a German, French, Italian or Spanish release? I’m still curious if these cards have their “Energy” title translated or not.
You might both be right that I have a Theme Deck Energy in my hand, seems indeed likely, but I’m curious what the translated Energies look like in ‘non-“Energy”’ languages.
The German ones are exactly the same as the English ones from the Decks. Came across this thread again a few days ago while searching for something else, and decided to just buy a German Energy from a German seller. It arrived today, and also states “Energy” instead of “Energie”, and also lacks the symbol at the bottom-left. So if the English Decks are printed without the symbol, there seems to be no differences with the German released Energies from the Expedition Base Set.
The R&S “non-E” version to my understanding (as mentioned above) are from theme decks but there are two non-E (C) versions, 2004 & 2005. I have the 2005 version marked as theme deck released in my energy checklist but that could be wrong…**I dont think there was a Fighting Energy made because the theme decks they are believed to be from didnt release a fighting type.
I dont know where the 2004 versions originate from but there is also non-E Darkness Energy (Special) & Metal Energy (Special) (& Rainbow Energy which I dont have to confirm) **So upon some more investigation, the 2005 are from the EX Battle Stadium Trainer Kit which also included Special Darkness and Metal energies!
My Expedition energies all have the E, so i cant comment on that but I have taken note for reference purpose
**Edits. (I know this seems irrelevant to the question but it may assist in finding what was printed where based on what they came in)