If you’re like me you are always looking for interesting video recommendations, so I wanted to start a thread to solicit some great recs from all of you.
I ask that you keep your recs at least somewhat related to Pokemon, TCGs or collecting in general. I also ask folks to refrain from self-promotion, please.
I’ll kick things off with a few recommendations of my own. These videos would appeal to anyone even remotely interested in TCGs or collecting, so give them a try and let me know what you think of them here or in PMs.
The Glimmer by Rhystic Studies (90 min)
This video is on the history of Foil (holo) cards in Magic the Gathering and in TCGs generally. It’s a meme at this point that MTG has very few collectors, but Rhystic Studies is genuinely incredible at cultivating the collecting spirit in MTG through his videos on the history, art, and culture surrounding the game. I have also shared another video of his on the forum in the past, 100 Proof, which is all about Artist Proofs that I still wholeheartedly recommend. -
The Booksellers (90 min)
The Booksellers is a documentary profiling prominent New York antiquary booksellers and collectors while also chronicling some of the histories of the practice. While there is no mention of Pokemon in this movie, I found the personalities and perspectives of the incredibly experienced collectors profiled here equally charming and insightful. There is discussion about the personal nature of collecting, relationships between dealers and collectors, and ponderings on how the market for antique books has evolved and will continue to evolve in the digital age. -
The Complete History of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Meta: Part 1 (2002-2005) by Roobindale (120 min)
The name says it all. This video covers the earliest years of competitive Yugioh. This video scratches a certain itch for people like me who have any nostalgia for the TCG. Plus, I find learning about old competitive formats engaging, if a little frustrating. It’s all about a time and place we can’t return to, no matter how fun it sounds. It is a pretty popular video, so many of you have seen it already. This is the first part of a series that may or may not ever be completed, but I think it’s great, so watch it!