Unsuccesfully Coping With My Ignorance Releasing Prereleases

Oh hi community,

Prereleases are an awfully strange system in what’s official it appears they’re too absurd for their own good, let alone Raichu. Even I’ve got a story of my own. I want to believe Scully.

Upon my collection refinement, I went pasta Prerelease Aerodactyl and wonder how these cards appeared when presented ? Especially during Gen I & III, were they sealed or included in a kit received upon entry raw if there’s a visual reference ?

This can make sense for the low POP report of the top grade but then again it’s Aerodactyl. One of several 1st Generation pokémon that’s undervalued and underrated. Quality Himeno piece and very nostalgic card I opened. I’ll admit not deeply searching but briefly found this example at 2:08 after here and suspect this same formula but more to know is as always appreciated.

Is it widely accepted that Gen II didn’t get the stamp from a mixture of lack of considerate demand thus lower set printing(?), uncertain tournament setups (??), contract allowances and business limits when transferred to Nintendo ? It appears there isn’t much info pointed out in detail over at Bulba which seems to be a reoccurring theme in the Diglett (Groundhog) mystery that are Prerelease’s productions.

Stylistically I’m conflicted about Prereleases. They seemed to be a disservice censoring like an outer-godawful Parental Advisory label over someone’s hard work. Contrastly, I can only imagine if the XY Evolutions four received the alternate treatment from the hands of the gods to genwunners as expanding with an alternate art is always a service for collectors.

Thank you for reading!

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C’mon Prerelease archive masters please… any strand of some knowledge from your brains you could thread from the direction or have I answered my own question with nothing else left to add? I ain’t got much time left.

Lol @ Burzum

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I believe @dblast is an expert on this subject.


Am I missing something or did you write this wall of text only for the two questions 1) “how was PR Aerodactyl handed out?” & 2) “why didn"t get Gen 2 Prerelease stamps?”.

Maybe it’s just me, but I tend to find your posts a bit confusing at times. Maybe try to trim it down a bit, then you might get better answers. Don’t get me wrong, I like your style dude. It’s just constructive criticism :wink:


@chrisbalestra , input the ‘i sold pokemon cards at the highest prices, breaking pokemonprices.com’ when people talk about buying budget cards or if they mention sealed prerelease cards.

There were higher valued cards and a larger supply of the sealed pre-release cards, as it related to machamps and aerodactyls so they were likely overlooked in all aspects, including grading and low pops. Why buy psa 10 when you can buy sealed psa 10(psa 4-8 reality)? I was not part of the fun prerelease raichu cards… But I can say I think everything will go up in price. It is a pikachu afterall.


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Ok I may have overlooked the question a little. You want to know where the stamps went or how pre-release raichu was presented? I don’t know, and Chris why did you summon me here to answer this? I don’t own those cards. Clearly the expert is @mcorey777 , on this matter.

I don’t know shit I just chill and enjoy life :joy:


Could not ask for a better shout out to that then someone called ash.:wink: Although in reference I made to the track in the topic title I got close to rediting this with that albums soundscape track.

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No I’m grateful for you to share. It’s a constant revising balance of contest vs expression and done so with the OP as you are getting this. Yes, there are several questions with some that branch from the previous point so ideally anyone able to answer either can help clue out those that aren’t known with a conclusion.

Also, that artwork deserves more attention then it receives so grateful for you to share part 2. I fuck with muk.

What’s unusual was how Gen 2 was somehow absolved from Prereleases and I don’t know if anyone has caught that before. As said before if this was due to the shortage of sets print compared to Gen I’s publishing brutality.

Are you using google translate for these posts? Your posts read kind of like the descriptions I sort through when shopping on a translated YahooJapan. I’m assuming English is your 2nd language?

@chrisbalestra , lmao chris b so useless. Just explain where the stamps went

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The OP is probably in the Europes, and you type a response in Japanese. Fantastic. He needs to know where the stamps went Chris. Go on with it already

Someone close this thread

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Agreed, I think that dblast answered all of kurt’s questions and everything has been clearly and thoroughly sorted out.


Good work everyone, I hope the truth is now closer… Disappearing stamps. Whoa