Um... So about those Gyarados Cards...

Hey all. Long time no see. Recently went to PAX East and fell upon a new Gyarados card I hadn’t seen from the Crimson Invasion set. I honestly didn’t think we’d see too many releases of the mon after XY.

Today I decided I wanted to get some extra cash to save for an international trip with me and my S/O so I sold my BGS 9.5 Gyarados XY-P Promo. But when I went on ebay, I figured I’d see what listings existed for Gyarados since I’ve fallen off the bandwagon for about two years.

Ultradimensional Beasts SM4 & SM6, Crimson Invasion, and I think another set.

Does anyone know of how many alts there are of the cards that have released since 2016/2017 of Gyarados?


But in general, how have you all been? I don’t recognize a ton of names on the active list, so hi if you’re new. I’m the guy who only collects Gyarados Cards & Flats, though I know I’m not the only one.


The Gyarados King. Nice to see you back:)


hello ! as someone who has a small collection of the big blue fish myself, i can appreciate anyone else who has a similar interest. i certainly do look forward to seeing what you bring to the hobby :slight_smile:

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Glad you’re out of your horrible hiatus.

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Welcome back @azulryu ! This compilation list might help you get started again. I made it in July 2017 though, so it is missing some Sun & Moon releases (and might contain small errors). I’ll see if I have some time to add them later today.

Our other Gyarados collectors might also be able to help your further, especially @shizzlemetimbers who acquired the SNAP Photo Contest Gyarados at the start of 2017, and who has the largest Gyarados collection right now as far as I know.


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good to see you back, bro.

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I think you miss the following:

Gyarados holo Burning Shadows
Gyarados reverse holo Burning Shadows
Gyarados GX Crimson Invasion
Gyarados GX Full Art Crimson Invasion
Gyarados GX Rainbow Rare Crimson Invasion

Gyarados holo SM3N Darkness That Consumes Light
Gyarados GX SM4A Ultradimensional Beasts
Gyarados GX Full Art SM4A Ultradimensional Beasts
Gyarados GX Hyper Rare SM4A Ultradimensional Beasts
Gyarados holo SM6A Dragon Storm


I’ve heard about you through legends and whispers. Welcome back.


Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes!
A project I’m starting is reorganizing my collection and updating my old thread/making a new one. So more on that later. It’s exciting to get back.

And thanks for the pointers. I haven’t updated my Gyarados Card list in some time from my excel sheet, so the help is greatly appreciated from you guys. I’ll update asap. Thanks again. I missed you guys. :blush:

… The mad man finally did it? I knew he’d beat me in having a larger collection at some point. But obtaining the SNAP card is baffling to me! Good for him. Wicked proud of him!

Who else is still around?

I’m asquare :nerd_face:

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I was lucky enough to have an attempt at consecutive serial numbers come back as 10s! I think they did well with the artwork for the newest Gyarados cards.