Ultra Prism price jump.

Anyone know why Ultra Prism has jumped in price so much recently?

You mean in regards to sealed product? Or singles? Or both?

The cards in it became extremely necessary for standard play as everything pre-Ultra Prism rotated out.


I was referring to sealed.

I was referring to sealed.[/quote]

I understand that it has staple cards and other cards that are needed for the meta, but listings for booster boxes are almost double the standard price. That’s a little crazy when the singles are readily available for cheap.

For me as a retailer, the booster boxes are harder to come by, compared to the S&M sets surrounding it.

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I’m pretty sure it had one of the smallest (if not *the* smallest) print runs in S&M. I remember a thread here discussing whether or not there would be a second print run for it and I dont know if it ever happened. Coming in hot after the financial flop that was Crimson Invasion, I think they may have been a bit more conservative about how much Ultra Prism was printed.

Itll be interesting to see if it gets the Roaring Skies treatment

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I remember that as well, yeah. I didn’t sweat it at the time, since I was positive no modern set would have limited availability. But it seems like that’s exactly what happened to Ultra Prism.

Luckily I stashed away a booster box and several ETB boxes.

Seems too late for that.

Roaring skies was reprint 20 months after release. We are on the 20th month after Ultra Prism’s release

If you call this like you did that pack opening, I will buy you the lopunny pikachu plush! :grin:

I’ll hold you to it :wink:

Tbh, I hope I am wrong this time

I would hope they learned a lesson from reprinting roaring skies. The backlash from the community and the back stock they seem to be stuck with (Roaring Skies packs are still included in some boxes) would be a strong incentive not to reprint (to reasonable people(we can hope))

It is too! :open_mouth:

I feel like maybe they did a better job reprinting the important stuff in theme decks and other sets so hopefully won’t need to. Regular versions of Cynthia and Lillie are both very cheap now. Also, Lillie is getting a mega nerf with the upcoming rule change that doesn’t allow the player who goes first to play a supporter on their first turn.