Tropical Present Fan Club Promo 2001 Help PRICE Postcard

Hello, I’m looking for a price check/range for this Fan Club promo card. Probably the most common bewtween the other postcards, still the only one on eBay is the one owned by smpratte at 500$ (NM condition). I was wondering what’s the price for a played one for example, this might be the case were the price is born in private rather than on the open market, still every bit of info is appreciated. Thanks^^
(also I’m looking for the New Century one, with Celebi)

Bulbapedia link:

Image taken from Bulbapedia:

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Thanks, I’ve seen them on eBay, but I was wondering if it’s the actual value or not since just posting an item with a price doesn’t necessarily reflect the actual price/value and since they’re quite rare it’s hard to put a price tag on them^^

I finally got the full set and had to be patient to find all of them. I was able to obtain this one for $300 within the last year in fantastic condition.


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