Trading and package got lost

Hello E4 team.

I need some advice.

If you are trading cards with someone.

You both agree what each trade is word in the trade and in the end both are happy.

Both people post the cards and in the end one of the packages gets lost in the mail/post.
(no insurance in my country for collectables via post)

The person whos was supposed to receive the package in the mail but it got lost. What should the expected outcome be?

Thanks guys for any advice.
Its the first time its happened.

Gimi tips!

The outcome should be exactly what you agreed upon in advance with respect to a package getting lost.

If you didn’t plan ahead for that possibility then I’d imagine the sender of the lost package replaces it (or cash value) because they were essentially the seller of that item and you were the buyer. Their duty is to get it to the buyer. If they had tracking and it was marked delivered then lost though then they’ve done all they could.

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When you say cash value.
Should it be on the agreed on value or on the current market price value?

Ideally whatever was agreed on ahead of time lol. That’s why things like “market value” can get tricky because at one time it isnt a singular set value and lately especially you’ve got some stuff doubling in two weeks time.

There is no good answer for this really. Time for some compromise.


if it was marked delivered its complicated because its a he said she said

Tricky. The person who lost the card knew it was a possibility. The flip side is that even if they couldn’t have insured it, they could have sprung for a much more secure option. FedEx etc. so I would say blame is on the sender. Even though it’s really not anyone’s fault.

I think they need to send the card they received back or pay fair market value.