On Saturday you can visit participating Target stores between 11 AM and 2 PM to pick up a Pikachu promo and Alola poster
*On Sunday you can head over to Toys R Us from 2 PM to 4 PM to pick up a holo Electabuzz promo from Evolutions, a second Evolutions Collector’s Album, and a Pikachu poster. The first 50 attendees will also receive a Meowth figurine.
These releases make me anxious because I can’t tell if there will be international releases in a similar manner, or if I’ll be able to easily find them post-release…
I was able to get the Charmander sealed for $5 on ebay last week. Probably will be doing the same for the Electabuzz because I feel like parents will stare me down on Sunday as if its my fault they didn’t show up on time lol.
Rj and I got our Target promos and poster today! They still had them sitting on the counter at 5:30pm haha. I don’t know if I’m brave enough to go to Toys R Us by myself…heh.
It was alot more packed at toys r us than i thought. I picked up the tomy meowth that was given out to the first few people, and i noticed mine had some red on his fangs, so it looked like dripping blood lol. I thought it was a bit pg 13 for a tomy, but apparently mine was just a factory defect. Pretty cool, if you ask me. Hard to photograph it lol. Loved the electabuzz, by the way