ToysRus Event (Sunday, Nov 20th) + added Target event

I haven’t seen thread about this so here we go!

Quoting user from pkmncollectors:

There’s also going to be an event on 20th November:


Good info;)

I am assuming US only?

That particular date may be, but a few other areas had TRU releases as well later than the last US release.

I arrived 20 minutes early the line was 75 feet long and the Pikachu figures were gone. Next month the promo is Electabuzz

On Saturday you can visit participating Target stores between 11 AM and 2 PM to pick up a Pikachu promo and Alola poster

*On Sunday you can head over to Toys R Us from 2 PM to 4 PM to pick up a holo Electabuzz promo from Evolutions, a second Evolutions Collector’s Album, and a Pikachu poster. The first 50 attendees will also receive a Meowth figurine.



Damn US toy stores, do not stop getting at me with them free Pokemon goods.

We’ve had a great year here for event-specific promos.

These releases make me anxious because I can’t tell if there will be international releases in a similar manner, or if I’ll be able to easily find them post-release…


I was able to get the Charmander sealed for $5 on ebay last week. Probably will be doing the same for the Electabuzz because I feel like parents will stare me down on Sunday as if its my fault they didn’t show up on time lol.

Nonsense, parents are there for the event! Haha


Hahaha they are just using their kids as a front lol

Target had a coupon on their app 30% off. So the Alola boxes are $20.99, that is so much better than the ass raping price of $39.99 at TRU

Rj and I got our Target promos and poster today! They still had them sitting on the counter at 5:30pm haha. I don’t know if I’m brave enough to go to Toys R Us by myself…heh.

One target didn’t care.


lol And i felt lucky for getting two, they cared a little bit more than yours lol.

It was alot more packed at toys r us than i thought. I picked up the tomy meowth that was given out to the first few people, and i noticed mine had some red on his fangs, so it looked like dripping blood lol. I thought it was a bit pg 13 for a tomy, but apparently mine was just a factory defect. Pretty cool, if you ask me. Hard to photograph it lol. Loved the electabuzz, by the way