Don’t think there is enough market data to really give it a price. There is a Winner card as well. So there are… Champion, Top 8, Staff and regular versions all available with the following stamps: International, Oceania and Latin America (and likely one more coming at the Indy event (North America) I assume).
I agree but I was looking if there was any speculative numbers from people. Obviously the Winner card would be the most expensive then I imagine but does anyone know the rough distribution numbers of the Winner variant?
Well winner cards should be 1 per winner at each event in each player category. My understanding is there is Junior, Senior and Master divisions. So 3 Champion cards at each of the events (International, Oceania and Latin America). This would leave 7-8 for each placement “Top 8” (not sure if the winner also gets a Top 8 card or not) with a total of 21-24 per event. All of this is under the assumption that extra cards aren’t “found” and brought to market.
As for value of a Top 8 - only ones I’ve seen are in the $200-$300 range and take a while to sell. I assume you have noticed the one on eBay and trying to decide if you should bid?
Absolutely man, I agree! $500-1000 at most. It is rare but don’t think the demand is there. I like these energy variants because they are reprints of the original artwork but I mean everyone else hates energy cards lol.
That all makes sense. I did see the listing on eBay and I didn’t figure it was anything special for pricing but just wanted to see how others might evaluate the card. I do believe if it had unique artwork that it would be worth more though. I want the Victory Cup trophy card that’s listed at the moment but it’s so expensive