The New E4 Marketplace

What % cut do you take for all sales?

Is the joke that 10.25% is actually a high sales tax in the US? Here our sales tax is 21% so I might be missing the joke lmao

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I find that reasonable.:joy:

Believe it or not 10.25% is terrible in the US. Very bad. Funny joke

Rest In Peace @thsigma


Incredible venture. Iā€™m all in if you add a sellers premium, every company is too chicken to do it but I hope yā€™all can be early adopters and show the market that youā€™re the best. Iā€™ll be waiting

I feel personally attacked :triumph:


I sometimes feel like a child with no impulse control, and live in my grandmotherā€™s basement bunker with my stonks and zords.

How else shall the consortium fund the Longbeach vault? Child labor. In the US, you can get away with anything these days. :sunglasses:

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Got it so donā€™t send stuff like this

Only send stuff like this

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