The Buy Section Rules Have Changed

Whoops… Looks like I’ve violated rule 5.6 a couple of times already. :zipper_mouth_face: I have a WTB list for my Pikachu cards, and one for all other wanted cards. I usually bump them once a month instead of the mentioned 7 days, but I do bump them at the same time, haha. I will alternate bump them from now on, so there are two weeks in between them; that should be fine, right? If not, I’ll merge them together again. Although I’d prefer to keep them separated if possible.

Great rule change, btw! It’s great we can have buy threads on the forum, but the main purpose of the forum is to enjoy and share Pokémon-related collections and information with one another in the community of course. Let’s hope we won’t see “nice”-spams like we did with Secret Santa two years ago to get the 50+ post threshold. :wink:
