Amazon Japan has confirmed the 116-page magazine will be full of interviews, art and other Pokemon TCG related content! No mention of any special promo card but I’m ordering one for this cover alone!
You get a free Pokemon Card Game Desktop Calendar 2020-2021. That’s good enough.
And I think it’s good that they left out any promo cards for this magazine at this pricepoint.
That way, only the ones genuinely interested in the magazine itself will actually buy it, otherwise this magazine will get scalped hard… I don’t think the target audience does not care much of having a promo card or not. From what I can tell, it’s quite a professional magazine that really focuses on illustrators and illustrations.
That does not mean the art could be used for promo’s in the future. You never know.
Its use of the energies is what made it for me. Makes it thoughtfully clever.
While on topic, Arita’s blend of mood with scenery gets deeply overlooked as my favorite cards from this year were extensions of this themes atmosphere. With Corsola going deep into the dsbm too hard.
I wanted it too, so I searched for it. But what actions did you take before asking?
Since I won’t give you easy answers but let me give you hints so that you won’t forget next time:
Did you copy paste the product name on google?
This magazine has a JAN number (Japanese Article Number), did you google that number too?
Now I wish you good luck on finding it. : )
Even on my news site I mentioned that if you want to import it yourself, here is the JAN number to look it up for yourself. If you literally google ‘illustration magazine pokemon’ you will see the article with all the information out there.
Importing from Japan where i am from is extremely hard. Usually i need a middleman service in US to do so plus other workaround, so usual methods can be painful. Still, thanks for double checking.