Strange Dark Blastoise - Fake?

Hey, guys. New to the site and was just going through some old Pokemon cards to get the selling process going. I came across a Japanese Dark Blastoise card that looks nothing like I’ve seen anywhere else. It has a yellow background and a red stroke around the Blastoise itself. After some digging, I found one other guy with this same card, but he never got more info on it either. I have attached the images, so I was wondering if you guys could help me figure out if I just have a fake here.



Very interesting. The back looks convincing but the front just screams fake to me. I’d imagine it is - if it were an early set and not a Rocket’s Blastoise I’d say perhaps there’s a very slim chance it was a ‘test run’ but Japan seems to be really good at not having “accidental test releases”.

This is 100% fake.


Yeah, I was thinking that too. When I look close, two things jump out - first, the red stroke goes onto the picture’s border. Second, the yellow part background doesn’t reach the border all the way and it seems to me that the original background just barely shows. Thought I’d get some extra pairs of eyes on it though in case I actually found something cool.

Always best to ask when you’re not completely sure of something. I ask questions all the time.

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I actually have that exact same card. I’m interested to know if it’s fake myself. My older cousin gave all of her cards to me years ago and she only had cards up to rocket. This strange blastoise card came with her present to me however and I’m not really sure if she actually bought singles online. So I’m not sure if it’s fake.

Hi. I have this card and it’s not a fake. I can only find a couple in existence and I was wondering if you have any updates finding the value?

Yup its worth 10 monopoly dollars :upside_down_face:


Out of curiosity, what makes you think this card is real? Can you share a picture of your copy?


Welcome to E4!

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There’s no reason to think this is real


Ur just mad I have a sick card bro


As of now it’s 2/2

dblast v2


Do you have any thoughts on release info?


You got me, I’m fuming.


Ah, freshly banned from Reddit I see?


Is it possible to get Pokémon hq in the chat? Or should I send this to a place for grading? will they have any info on it? If anyone knows the next steps I should take to legitimize this card and get a value let me know. Thanks

Definitely send it in to grading and let us know the results! :pikasmirk: