Spots for artists signature

I’m relatively new to the E4 community but I’m wondering if it’s possible at all to pay someone, granted they would probably ask for a premium, for a spot for a card signature i.e from Ken or Mitsushiro, if and when they publicly appear. That said, I’m wondering if there is a way to receive the most up-to-date news in terms of events for said artist or artists in general.

Arita is not coming back to the states this year, that’s at least what he told me in May. Your next best chance will be next week at Worlds 2017 for other artists. However, I haven’t seen any announcements of which illustrators are coming if any do show up.

In the instance other artists come to Worlds, what other names should I expect

@smpratte has mentioned that Sugimori has shown up in the past. However, there is no guarantee plus that also means that the lines will be ridiculous to get one or two cards signed. It is a lot different when you compare them to the smaller conventions where you can talk to them, talk about their art/style and get them to sign you more items.

Then I suppose I’ll bring a couple of Ken cards just in case, now is there a fee for meeting said artist or I’d usually limit 1-2 per customer

I’m not familiar with prices at Worlds. A lot of times it can be free or a few bucks if the autograph has your name. If it doesn’t have your name it can be anywhere between $5-20 depending on what is being autographed, sketched, etc. Hope this helps :blush:

Certainly did, thanks for the help

Signatures are hard to get even here in Japan. At events it’s not like the West, get in line pay a bit of money and get a signature. In Japan they often limit it to 50 per artist with 2-3 artists per day. It takes 3-4 hours to get a signature unless you are the first few people in line. They also have a limit of 1 signature or sketch per person.

Thanks, do you know of any that are coming up?

There should be one more set of signings by the end of the year. The artists they have at the events are artists that are doing cards that are playable now, so XY-SM, maybe all SM artists now.

The only one I have seen from the last event on Yahoo is the 061/sm-p signed by Naoki Saito with a little picture. Seller is asking $500 for it. It’s usually only the hardcore fans who are getting them singed, I didn’t see any kids getting them signed the last event, I’m sure the few hours in line is why. Almost all of them go into collections.

Anything I can expect from Worlds?

No idea. I live in Japan not America. I think there is already a thread about worlds though. I know there are a few big signature collectors on here.

Link? Sorry still new to E4

When are they all coming to the UK next for signings etc?
