6/102 to far to the right
Atrocious Pokemon?
Yep! This card does not exist with corrected set number
Every Gyarados has the 6/102 too far left, away from the rarity symbol. But this one is corrected? Am I getting this right? I’ve never seen a corrected gyarados with the set number in the right place. mother of god
Wow. That’s so nitpicky. I love it. Haha.
I like it. Now I have the urge to check my Pikachu collection for the ever so slightly misalignments.
Out of curiosity, Base Shadowed Gyarados is the only card with the set aligned with the description border (except for the one you posted of course), or are there other Pokémon cards with similar alignment flaws (too small to be called errors imo)?
Nice find.
Is the error that it’s missing a Grey Stamp?
Just a heads up this card does not exist i.e. I photoshopped it so that it was corrected, thought it would take longer to notice but @majomaal got it quick smart
You douche! I thought it was the coolest thing that a corrected version of this card existed.
How can Gyarados with corrected version be real if our eyes aren’t real?
Man fuck this thread lol
@shizzlemetimbers Here is the true copy
All that needs now is no damage on the bottom attack
All that needs now is no damage on the bottom attack
Okay, but now it has to be photoshopped again…