Spider-Man 2 for PS5

Not Pokémon related but has anyone played the game? Wanted to hear your thoughts. I’m really enjoying it and the story was pretty good.

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The “first” one (2018) was absolutely brilliant, and I can’t wait to get this… if it ever comes out on PC :sob: the gameplay and visuals look insanely good!

I just wish Bethesda had put as much love and passion into Starfield as Insomniac have done with these last 3 Spider-Man games.

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I’m pretty far into the game. I just finished playing as MJ the second time when she’s taking down hunters outside of Peter’s house.

Overall, I’d say the game is a ton of fun. I love the traversal mechanics as well as the amount of things to collect around NYC. The combat is pretty satisfying too and I love that there are separate skill trees for Peter and MIles as well as a shared one. I also love trying on all of the different suits and boy, are there a lot! I’m not super big into Spider-Man but I can tell there’s a lot there to chew on for the super fans.

I have some gripes with it but they’re also shared by the other two games. However, I definitely think it’s worth buying at full price.

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I think I’m like 6 or 7 hours in and it feels more of the same from the first two games and that’s a good thing with all the newer stuff they’ve added also. It’s been a lot of fun so far, I bought a PS5 for it. Actual system seller game and I love Xbox lol. I’d recommend it.

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