Red dead redemption

So whos playing? Didnt see a thread yet. Super into it. Such a detailed in depth game. Add me on ps network. Bjchampion69.

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I was thinking about picking it up since Fallout 76 seems like it will be a bust.


Yeah totally. Go for it i highly recommend. The shere scale is breathtaking. Online is gonna be great, get an efour gang together!

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I never played the first okay maybe just a little but seems like a good game. I think what charizandrew said, my bro wants me to play Fallout 76 badly but I think it will be a bust. I usually like to wait on games though haha (only few exceptions).

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I’m really enjoying it. My only gripe with it is the control style they’ve gone with. On PS4:

  • L2 is to interact with NPCs and animals alike. With a weapon in hand, L2 is used to aim the weapon. If you forget you have your weapon out, suddenly you’re wanted because everyone saw you aim a gun at the NPC you wanted to say hi to.
  • Triangle is to play games like Poker. Without the ‘Press triangle to…’ prompt on screen, triangle is the button to suddenly grab the nearest NPC by the throat. Suddenly you’re wanted because you started strangling someone you just wanted to play poker with.

It’s a fantastic game though, so much more to do in this than the last game.

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Such an amazing game, the level of graphics for an open world game is nuts! my only problem is how slow he walks all the time makes getting to places long winded.
Best game for 2018 is still God of war though :blush: followed closely by RDR2 :blush:

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Brazilian Jujitsu I presume. Also at almost 50 years old it is great to see you still having an interest in video games.


Thats right! Really confuses the aussie teenagwrs i play counter strike with haha.

Honestly I’m waiting on multiplayer expansion to come out before I pick it up. The beta for multiplayer is sometime this month!

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Red Dead is pretty good so far. You have to admire the amount of detail that Rockstar put into this game, amazing.

However I find the pacing to be a bit slow for me, It was designed to be played that way. Really interested in how Fallout 76 will be, I’ve heard mixed things so far.

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watch Finley on YouTube and that’s all you need to know about it. Haha

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Im the same. Loved fallout 4 but unsure if i have the time investment for 76.