Show Off Your Error Cards Megathread!

My 1st Ed Gyarados have got a similar black dot, but just a little bit to the right below Nintendo. Anything you’ve seen?

I haven’t seen a black dot error on any Shadowless version before despite looking out for one - 1st Edition or otherwise. Would be curious to see yours if you want to post it here or send me a DM.

Hiya :wave:

Yeah I’ve been around since 2014 or 16 I think actually. But could not remember my old account password. I don’t get on here often though.

Yes I’ve finished it, but not only that! I’ve acquired every known base unlim error as well recently. With the exception of the beedrill “d.efending” error and the blastoise missing “illus” error. These are the only 2 known errors I’m currently missing. And I’ve upgraded quite a few since my old YouTube video as well. I do plan to make a much better video soon :blush: stay tuned for that :wink: it will be much worth the watch

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Would any of these ever be for sale? I’ve seen a couple on ebay here and there but was never sure if it was continues or not.

Maybe, we can talk about it in DM’s but I haven’t considered selling any of them quiet yet. I do know there’s 2 up for sale right now on ebay by two different people. One is a holobleed but really scratched up, the other just seems to be the non-holobleed version. Not sure what you mean though by “if it was continues or not.”

I have sent you a message :blush:
Continuous errors. Like it was an issue with multiple cards during that print run. Looks like this gyrados is Continuous :blush: which is really cool!

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pulled out from theme deck, I wish it was a 10. Nothing special, but to me it is.


The start of a casual Tyranitar error collection! Just got the scans back from CGC :blush:

First a Holo Shift Dark Tyranitar - pretty happy with the 7.5 on this one

Second, a square cut Fates Collide that I got from the illustrious @pokeaddict84 ! - Really thought this was an easy 9 but there must have been something I missed on the surface. CGC really don’t mess around on surface thats for sure.


Also all shadowless Magikarps have a cut in the errata box at the bottom, idk why

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Man, I love the errors I’ve been seeing on this thread. Somebody get on me to share some of my own.


Hey, uh, Joe. Can you share some of your own?


I second that, Joe. I may have already seen most of them on your Instagram, though. :wink:

Although for anyone reading this (especially newer members), Joe has already post a lot of his amazing miscuts, which is his main collection goal, in this thread:


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Alright, here’s one that I’ve not shared on Instagram before. Special E4 reveal :blush:





Love the art on this card. Eseries miscuts and errors are as rare as they come. :fire:


Sup y’all. Posted this on Reddit but wanted to get more opinions. Think my Japanese Blastoise from Base Set is a low (red) ink error or sunbleached? It’s with CGC now so we’ll get an answer within a few months. Original for comparison.


Just to add an opinion: I wouldn’t get my hopes too high. I also wouldn’t feel too badly. I saw a sun faded Corocoro Mew sell for around 4 times as much to someone who just didn’t know. Magenta and red tend to fade first.

Source: Once upon a time I too have paid way too much for a sun bleached card

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No need to worry about the price, I got it for $30. But I humbly disagree that it is sunbleached. Even if red is the first to fade, there is no way it would end up looking exactly like the yellow on the rest of the card. It doesn’t have a hint of pink, yet isn’t white either. I think it’s more likely the card is printed with that base color and simply red ink was never put on top. Red mixing with the yellow would also create the gold seen on the final product. I think low ink during the print makes more and more sense the longer you think about it.