Scheduled Discord Voice Chats


The other day we had something like 11 e4 members on the voice chat at once (even the elusive @smpratte ! You listening, @ray ??). I think it was a great success and I think everyone was in favour of doing it again.

So here are the questions open to discussion.

Would you be interested? You don’t even have to talk if you’re shy, just come to listen.
Should we periodically schedule these? or should they just be impromptu? or both?
What time is the best to schedule these at, since the members of this community represent a lot of different countries and timezones?
Will millhouse ever get on? (we can do 1-on-1 milly, if you’re to shy. PM me :wink: )
How often should they be?
How do we handle 10+ people talking at once?

And anything else that comes to mind.

If you have any questions about how discord works or what it is, ask here or PM me. I didn’t know until I joined for this site so I’m basically a noob too but I can probably answer some questions.


I honestly think this is a great idea! :grin: I think it should be both impromptu and scheduled.

Impromptu: People can talk openly about different topics etc.

Scheduled: Maybe forum members with expertise in a certain area of Pokemon can share their knowledge/opinion etc

            Example: smpratte wants to share knowledge on trophy cards and we could ask him questions etc.

I should mention that regardless of whether or not a scheduled chat is established, impromptu chats have happened and will continue to :blush:


Sounds like a sh*tshow but I’d look forward to checking it out if it were scheduled and I was available.


Sounds like a great idea to me! I’d love to join in :blush:

They are definitely fun! :blush:

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It’s super laid back, just hanging out talking about whatever. I’ll try and get on again if one is scheduled!

It wasn’t as bad as you’d expect since a lot of people were just listening with muted mics. But I have a feeling if we scale up it might get a little crazy.

So I think the concensus is yes, people would like a scheduled thing. The question now is what day of the week and what time?

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Don’t worry they are working on a Canadian chat :wink:

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Yeah Discord is super chill. It is a great way to hang out and just talk about whatever.

As pratte said, the entire server is very open and welcoming. Anyone can chat with anyone about anything, and you’re likely to make some friends in the process :wink:


You guys are making me want to download Discord (again). : P


Do you guys have a link to join the server? I tried clicking the link on the right, but it does not join the server.

NVM. Had to click the join server at the bottom.

I’ll mention getting that fixed to Scott, should be an easy fix.

edit: Should now correctly shoot through the invite link rather than what it was doing before.

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I’d join in again, my PC is always on so I’m always on discord :blush: Scheduled would be a good idea, I’ve only ever seen that one big voice chat we did the other day after being on the discord for months, if you had others I must’ve missed them.

How do we feel about Thursday the 21st of December for Discord Scheduled Chat #1?

This question is especially targeted at @smpratte since he will be the one drawing in the masses. It’s possible this might be too close to holiday festivities in which case it might be better to reschedule in 2018


What time?

I think it would be a great idea to make a channel on the discord server for the sole use of podcasts, perhaps extensions of Scott’s or if anyone else would be interested in beginning their own. Of course Skype can always be used instead but it might be an easier way to connect and bring people on for discussions if their input on a certain topic is invaluable.

I also think if any major decisions are happening that affect the forum or its members then perhaps a post could be made and a date for discussion on the forum could also be chosen.

I haven’t actually gotten onto the discord yet as I prefer smaller conversations but I’d be happy to speak to others

if we can get a time zone post aswell that would help