2020 Worlds Discord Voice!

Last night on discord voice we were talking about doing something digital for Worlds. Basically discord voice is a digital hang out, which is essentially what you do at Worlds majority of the time.

If anyone wants to hop on later, I should be online around 7pm central. We can do some streams looking at cards. I have a few boxes I need to go through myself :blush:

If you aren’t on discord you can access it by clicking the discord banner on the right of the page, as well as the link below:



Might have to lose my e4 voice virginity tonight


Oh hells yeah. @smpratte, make sure to be ready for the stream with another snack flex too :blush:


People can just listen if they want, its super casual!


Will you be livestreaming more mail openings?

This is a wholesome idea and I love it.


hopefully i can hop in as well! looking forward to it

Great idea! Voice shall be lit

I should be on in about an hour! :blush:

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We are starting! We should stream opening some packs and going through some cards! :blush:

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You can still hop in! We are just taking turns streaming. :blush:

Thanks everyone who joined voice last night, it was a lot of fun! For those who missed it, we took turns streaming cards, opened a few packs, and just hung out. The closest thing to getting that worlds feeling!

I will try and organize this every month. We also do PWCC voice when pokemon auctions end. We hang out while the auctions end live, and usually someone streams them.

Also you can voice chat whenever you want. Discord is super casual, so feel free to hop on whenever you want! :blush:


I was there, pog.


Yeah it was a lot of fun, I was glad to be apart of it.

Got to see a lot of cool cards and hear about the stories behind them especially all the stories about FourthStar ripping people off lol.

Good Stuff!


*Shows a fat stack of graded cards"

Yeah i ripped off every one who sold me these.


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