Rockets_Rares Collection From Around The World๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ“š

Hi my name is Bobby, better known here as Rockets_rares. This thread is for my collection posts. I hope E4 would like to follow along my journey. My goal is to be the most complete non english/ non-Japanese varient collector(different holos,different stamps, different artworks,etc):sweat_smile: Itโ€™s a hefty goal, but Iโ€™d like to think im doing pretty well. my other collection goals consist of autographs and shikishi aswell.
Iโ€™ll be updating it periodically :grin: please enjoy!

First ill share with you what started it all. What got me into collecting variants and how i collect in general today!!

This is a complete set of the SH Subset from Stormfront (Frente Tormentoso) and the Platinum set (Platino) in spanish.
I am lucky to have 3 of them signed by the origional artists aswell. The set was produced by panini in spain and is very rare, this is the only way to find these cards in cosmos holo.
Thanks for reading my first post to this thread, there will be many more๐Ÿซก


Finally! Canโ€™t wait to see the rest of your posts.
I can confidently say your collection is about as unique as they come


These are stunning with cosmos, a huge improvement.


Thanks so much that means alot coming from a collector like you!!

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I can never stop posting them๐Ÿ˜‚ super agreed

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An amazing collection. What fantastic cards to get signed.

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Thank you!

Now lets move on to some recently added stuff! My tatsugiri signed promo collection. I chose the colors to represent each tatsugiri and dondozo, for the judge stamps i chose the premeir ball colors

(Curly Form tatsugiri pen color) Indonesian Premeir Ball League participation promo

(Droopy Form pen color) Korean League 2025 Participant promo

(Stretchy Form pen color) Japanese Championship Series 2025

(Dondozo pen color) Indonesian Premeir Ball League Participation Promo

(Premeir Ball pen colors) Indonesian Premeir Ball League Judge Promo

These cards are all Illustrated and signed by Jerky, Thanks for taking a look.


Heres all the holo exclusive cards for pop series 9 in french(-pika line) All cards were printed in this set besides turtwig and buizel for whatever reason. I remember looking for almost 2 years without knowing that info๐Ÿ˜… i still need pikachu, pichu and raichu since they are also slightly different but im not in a rush for the 3, they are more readily available then the others. Raichu is cosmos holo instead of cracked ice
Pichu and pikachu are cosmos holo like japanese but have yellow borders instead. Anyways heres everything -pika line and whats would be printed the same in english.


For my next card we have Pachirsu 4/17
Pop Series 6 Cosmos holo
This card only comes cosmos holo in German. Itโ€™s non holo in both English and japanese.


For my next post we have Gyarados 4/123 HGSS in Portuguese Saturn Cosmos Holo,
It was also signed by Mitsuhiro Arita at NYC Comic Con.
This was the first time @Gymleader_nikkie and i got to meet Arita.
This copy has 3 saturns surrounding Gyarados


:kr: scizor 07/40 from Colorful Legends (korean only set)
this card is only holo in korean otherwise reverse or non holo. The day i got this card in the mail was the day i got it signed aswell. Midori Harada was at NYC Comic Con and i was there aswell, but the card didnt come in the mail until later that day, so i ended up taking an uber back home to nj, ate some lunch and then ubered back to nycc๐Ÿ˜‚ anyway the card is very special to me, i met my now girlfriend @Gymleader_nikkie in person for the first time that day aswell after being friends for a couple of years in the community. And she got something aswell


:kr:Rayquaza 190 XY-P Special Legends Set
This card is normally cracked ice but comes with the XY sheen holofoil style and yellow borders in Korean only


Those are fantastic cards and very interesting facts about them. Great to see such beautiful gems in your collection. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you!

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Heres another RayRay for you guys, korean Rayquaza 078/XY-P
Team Battle Participation Promo 2015
A very cool stamp id like to think!


Awesome Rayquaza promo!

I remember that prices in the past used to be extraordinarily high for this, all things considered.

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For my next share we have,
:kr:Latias 34/40
:kr:Latios 35/40
Burning Confrontation
These cards are only cosmos holo in korean!