Rework the Gold Stars

How would you rework the gold stars to better theme the set that they are in? They dont have to be gold stars that already exist but try your best to make them themed well to the set as opposed to just lumping your favs into a random set!

Ill go first
EX Ruby Sapphire: Mudkip, Torchic, Treecko

EX Sandstorm: aggron, steelix, Tyranitar

EX Dragon: Salamence, latios/as

EX Team magma vs team aqua: kyogre, groudon

EX Hidden legends: registeel, regirock, regice

EX FRLG: charizard, blastoise, venusaur

EX TRR: Mewtwo, Meowth, pikachu

EX deoxys: deoxys normal form, rayquaza

EX Emerald: Swampert, Blaziken, Sceptile

EX unseen forces: Ho oh, Lugia

EX delta Species: also dont really know. Not a huge delta species fan (concept not box)

EX legend maker: mew celebi jirachi

EX holon Phantoms: ghost pokemon? Idk really

EX crystal guardians: sableye, Absol

EX dragon frontiers: Flygon, Ampharos

EX power keepers: metagross, wailord, milotic

Some I feel fit better than others let me know what you think. Obviously the delta species ones I have no clue with but that is why I don’t like them. I feel they aren’t themed super well


First, I would take all the Gold Stars and put them in my binder.


Now I’m sad that Jirachi and Tyranitar gold stars weren’t a thing :frowning:

For Crystal Guardians, I’d propose Sableye gold star.


I would have liked to see 1 set have all Eeveelution ex and gold stars. Kind of like Eevee Heroes

legendaries seem like easy choices
(milotic and wailord would no doubt be epic)

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For EX Team Rocket Returns I would have loved to see gold stars of Arbok, Weezing, and Meowth.


absol would be a good gold star too


Ruby Sapphire: Sceptile, Torchic, Marshtomp
Sandstorm: Seviper, Zangoose and Aerodactyl (or just fossils)
Dragon: Salamence, Latias, Latios
Magma VS Aqua: Kyogre, Groudon
Hidden legends: Relicanth, Wailord
FRLG: Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise
TRR: Ditto, Mewtwo
Deoxys: Deoxys-N, Deoxys-A, Deoxys-D
Emerald: Deoxys-S, Rayquaza
Unseen Forces: Celebi, Gyarados
Delta Species: Regirock, Regice, Registeel
Legend Maker: Wynaut, Mew
Holon Phantoms: Flygon, Kabutops, Omastar
Crystal Guardians: Sableye, Jirachi
Dragon Frontiers: Tyranitar, Dragonite
Power Keepers: Metagross, Milotic, Claydol


interesting, why would you put the regis in the delta species slot?

Mostly just because Reilcanth and Wailord makes perfect sense in HL but nowhere else whereas the Regis, being living machines, makes sense in the technology-themed Delta.

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I put Milotic in PK because it was the champion’s ace in emerald, and he also had a wailord which I think was close to the same level

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Metagross and Milotic makes perfect sense in PK.

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I probably broke my own “favorite pokemon dump” rule lol

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Lol, same. I forgot all about Milotic when I did PK because I fantasized about a Claydol GS. :grin:


Also noticed I forgot CG, I support the Sableye suggestion.

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EX RS: Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip
EX Sandstorm: Cradily, Armaldo
EX Dragon: Salamence, Flygon
EX TMTA: Kyogre, Groudon
EX Hidden Legends: Regirock, Regice, Registeel
EX FRLG: Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise
EX TRR: Mewtwo, Gyarados
EX Deoxys: Rayquaza, Deoxys Normal Form
EX Emerald: Altaria, Milotic, Metagross
EX Unseen Forces: Ho-oh, Lugia (surprised no one has said these!)
EX Delta Species: Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon
EX Legend Maker: Mew, Celebi
EX Holon Phantoms: Deoxys Attack, Deoxys Defense, Deoxys Speed
EX Crystal Guardians: Absol, Jirachi (shiny sableye is ugly)
EX Dragon Frontiers: Latias, Latios
EX Power Keepers: Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert


Mewtwo in TRR is so obvious! Im suprised i forgot it


Here are mine - i spent longer than I expected on this LOL. Lot of overlap with @wisewailmer here - you made great picks!

I tried to keep sets to 2 where it made sense but there were so many trios I wanted to do (rip my imaginary pull rates). In later set’s I tried to get a representative from each region that I felt went together. I stand by these groupings, but swapping which sets they go into might make sense. Finally, I tried to avoid just converting the EXs from a set into Goldstars but man is that hard! The EXs were matched quite well with the set’s themes after all.

Some pokemon that almost made the cut and might have been good to swap in include:

  • Machamp
  • Snorlax
  • Altaria
  • Gardevoir
  • Flygon

Maybe someone wants to suggest some swaps?

EX Ruby Sapphire: Torchic, Mudkip, Treecko

EX Sandstorm: Omastar, Steelix

EX Dragon:, Latios, Latias

EX TMTA: Groudon, Kyogre

EX Hidden legends: Regi Rock/Ice/Steel

EX FRLG: Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur

EX TRR: Pikachu, Mewtwo, Rhydon (Giovanni’s ace)

EX Deoxys: Deoxys, Rayquaza

EX Emerald: Blaziken, Swampert, Sceptile

EX Unseen Forces: Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chikorita

EX Delta Species: Gyarados, Ampharos, Metagross

EX Legend Maker: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi

EX Holon Phantoms: Gengar, Unknown, Absol

EX Crystal Guardians: Lugia, Ho-Oh

EX Dragon Frontiers: Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence

EX Power Keepers: Aggron, Wailord, Milotic



the dogs are notable absent from my list lol