Hi everyone, does anyone have a price reference for this card by any chance? Someone is offering one to me for around 4k but I feel it might be a bit overpriced, given the 9 that’s listed on eBay rn. Attaching pictures of the condition (maybe an 8 with a bit of luck?). Thanks in advance!
Some have sold on goldin over the course of the last ~1 year (link below). Keep in mind that the market on worlds promos have tanked considerably over the last year or so. Amazing card though…
I would ask yourself why that very rare card is not graded. Perhaps there is a dent or something that would auto-6 at PSA. Personally, I wouldn’t pay more than PSA 6 prices. $4,000 sounds pretty reasonable given its extreme rarity and the heightened state of the overall market right now.
As a long time lover of worlds cards, I agree with Dyl, unless homie has a full set in binder I would pay the minimum price just to have it in hand and not get too caught up in it being good condition. It’s an incredibly rare promo for that year, and am honestly surprised it’s become much available.
Thanks a lot for the answers, I do agree the price seems fair (my ebay actually randomly changed to my local currency and I mentally converted wrong ). I might pick it up in the near future, especially because this is one of the couple Staff stamps I’m missing. Thanks all! @Dyl@nikhil
Staff stamps so nice but I gave up on trying to get them all cuz I’d never be able to do it. Instead I have shifted focus to the regular english ones to keep it financially possible (my other collection goals are expensive too lol)
04 and 07 are also one of the few years where competitors didn’t receive a full run which meant your placement gave you only a single copy. With less competitors in 04 than 07, it really cemented it as a rarer year compared to others. I haven’t seen many ungraded just pop up where as other years there have been more fluctuation in availability.