Ranking all Eevee Heroes - Results

Sorted rank by V and VMAX

V avg - 7.87
VMAX avg - 7.61


Thatā€™s fair enough. I personally donā€™t see it that way since its paw is still flat and not curled around it, but I can see it. Never really thought about it before.

To be fairā€¦itā€™s unfair to try to classify what has been the best set and art for a very very long time and probably has and will mark generations to come.

They are all above 7 and all beautifulā€¦so itā€™s a pass mark within the error margin and bias margin :kissing_closed_eyes:

The Flareon Vmax is surprisingly lower compared to the others and the opposite to its V counterpart, I wonder why? ā€¦ still an amazingly Okacheke art.

Note: as also mentioned, itā€™s day and night when you have this card in hand versus the digital version (details, texture, light, etcā€¦)ā€¦ and as Japanese Vmax, texture is much finer grain compared to its english counterpart

The Flareon VMAX does not fit a story. Why would there be a bright fire in the middle of the day? Wish they hit did something with a sunset or something. Maybe riding a big train and the smoke coming from Flareon rather than the train.

IDk, just brainstorming :sweat_smile:

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Sorry to revive this thread but some of these results shock me. Why is Umbreon V, Jolteon V, and Sylveon V, and Jolteon VMAX so low?
-This is just my personal opinion, but Umbreon V in Eevee Heroes is the best Umbreon card ever made. Umbreon chilling on the brick wall in an alley with the moon behind him looking down at Pinser and other pokemon acting like ā€œno big deal you canā€™t touch thisā€. I mean come on, thatā€™s a freaking cool story card. Maybe one of the better Alt Artā€™s in the past few years even.
-Jolteon V, I canā€™t understand why this one is ranked so low. Lots of cool detail and heā€™s high above the bright cityscape. Really vibrant and cool art. Amazing style. I would rank this higher than the Vaporeon even though I really like the Vaporeon a lot!
-Sylveon V. Iā€™m not the biggest Sylveon fan, but come on this is a ridiculously cute card with the cupcakes. The colors are bright and fun. Idk seems like it should at least be 8.00 but thatā€™s me.
-Jolteon VMAX. This is a cool card and seems way underrated to me. Heā€™s jumping through the air getting struck by lightning in a storm. The dark gloomy background in the thunderstorm is well animated and the lightning bolts look fantastic. Really cool card and I would argue (against popular opinion) is the strongest of the VMAX arts in this set. Granted this is technically a promo in Japanese and not part of Eevee Heroes exactly but it basically goes with it.

Overall I think this is a really strong set of cards.