Quit collecting Pokémon?

Do you think there will ever come a time when you either quit collecting pokemon or dramatically downsize your collection to one or two items and not buy anymore?

I’m not quitting or thinking of quitting, just wanted to ask a hypothetical question.


I’m in the process of that now. I have a list of around 30-35 cards I’d like to acquire and then idk what else to collect. My collection goals would be done. Guess I could make new ones or start my yugioh list I have. My finish sealed products I’ve wanted. I hate modern and anything past 2008. I’ve been thinking about doing a full vending series 1,2,3 in psa 10 and some of those one off Japanese promos. (Play promos, movie, trainer mag, stuff like that.)


At some point, I will no longer be living on this Earth. Just before that point, I will encourage my family to sell my collection so that the wealth distribution is as easy and painless as possible. Family can keep what they want to remember me by.

If my death is unexpected, then it will follow the same procedure without my attendance.


Nope. But in all seriousness probably not. Its a fun hobby and its helped me through a lot of personal things. Gonna pass it on to my kids when Im gone.


Quit? No. Let my interest in Pokemon card collecting wane over other parts of my life? Yes. It likely helps that I’m very close to completing my deck collection so once that is done I can trail off my collecting in peace and begin my true calling, gifting pokemon card collectors absurd-one-of-a-kind-collection-pieces-that-have-too-much-effort-in-put-into-them-to-be-casually-thrown-away-without-guilt or something like that.


I am not nearly as ‘into’ collecting as I used to be. E4 is still part of my daily life, and I still enjoy collecting, but it is nowhere near what it once was. I could write paragraphs of cynical motivations for it, but I am trying to be less cynical than I typically am.

The great thing about this is if you actually treat collecting Pokemon cards as a hobby, rather than a business, you can pick it up and put it down as you see fit and as your life dictates. The last year or so for me has been mostly selling things to fund other parts of my life and other goals I have.


I don’t think I will ever quit collecting pokemon cards, pokemon merchandise, pokemon video games, and pokemon related items. Simply put, I will always collect it in some capacity because no matter how cynical or jaded I get from time to time with how things have been with pokemon post 2020. Blastoise will always be a turtle with cannons on his back, and that’s something I will never not want to see until the day i die lol.


When I retire in 20-30 years I plan on selling everything and moving to the beach. Might keep a few cards but nothing to this extent.


I can see myself not being as into card collecting in the future. I don’t think id ever sell my collection in full, not that I would get enough to justify it :person_shrugging:

I have changed some personal goals regarding collecting, but theres still so much keeping me in the hobby (not just collecting) so its not like I’m looking to leave anytime soon either.

I doubt my collection currently would ever stonk so hard like cards did in 2020/2021.


I’ll definitely stop collecting at some point (maybe when Gen 10 is released). I’ve started collecting recently, so I didn’t filled even one 3x3 binder. This would be my stop point I guess. I’m very picky and don’t want to have a collection separated in a few binders.


It’s hard to say really. I used to only be interested in collecting vintage stuff, but over the last couple of years I’ve really started collecting more modern. I’m heavily into the financial side of TCGs too, and watching markets (outside of cardboard too) and probably always will be, so there is like an additional hobby within my hobby essentially. I buy what I like, and buy packs sometimes so there is always something new to enjoy. I guess my answer is if Pokemon sets start looking bad, and I’m not interested in the road they are taking, I’ll quit. If I get bored with it, I’ll quit then too. Right now I’m happy with the sets coming out.

Been collecting as an adult now for 7 years. The passion for it comes and goes but sooner or later some product catches my attention and I’m pulled right back in. :slight_smile:


Most likely nop … I’m aware that I won’t get all goals I’ve proposed to myself because I’ll die someday, but anyways … I really enjoy collecting TCG and other media (books, magazines, retro videogames, etc). I don’t care that most of my collection is “bulk”. I’m happy with what I have and if I can get better things, that good.

More than collecting, what I like the most is researching about TCG. It’s something I do sometimes during free time and articles can take a long time to develop … but I’m happy doing it and I’m happy knowing that there’re people who really like the articles I write.

And also making new friends from all parts of the world and helping people. I mean, if it weren’t for Pokémon TCG, I’d hardly have contact with people from USA or Spain.

I think that keeps me interested in Pokémon … and I’m happy!!!


Have I had enough?



For those that may think that they can sell it all in the future and recoup most of/or even profit from it, it requires the franchise to withstand the test of time. It’s not a given.

Lots of collecting categories have fizzled out as generations go by and no new blood comes in. It all goes back to the fundamentally collecting what you like and consider it spent as if it were a meal or an experience.

I suppose this should reverberate more on YouTube, Reddit, IG and Discord where copium of it being a store of value/investment etc still exists.


My collection outlook for the next 5-10 years is to finish all numbered promos from P to XY-P. Last 2 sets of BW-P and XY-P should take up bulk of that timeframe.

Over the past years I have realised that the way I collect, just sticking strictly to my collection goal of only promos should last me a lifetime. I have already slowed down drastically and observed that not buying any cards for a long period of time does not bother or worry me with FOMO.

I would however want to always be an active member on E4 and help in the community growth positively. I have found more fulfillment being active on E4 and participating in the various yearly activities.

There is also a lot of TCG history regarding promos that I am unaware of and would still continue to learn and want to know. So that will ideally be a lifelong learning point.



For me it is very unlikely. Like @Dyl when I’m no longer on this earth. :ghost: There are times I’m more active than others . Even when I’m less active, like now I still look at my collection frequently. I’s a family thing for me! My son collects. My grandkids even have their own binders!


In a sense I’ve already quit. When I took Pokemon collecting to the next level in 2009, it was because it was much cheaper than the other, more tempting option. Monetarily, this is now reversed.

If my hobby budget grew by orders of magnitude, I think I’m more likely to redevelop other hobbies than to start pouring money into Pokemon. At most, I see myself buying a handful of items, all the while selling off more cards I don’t need.


Once I finish backfilling the eevee cards I missed in my collection, I’m done except for new eevees that come out, which only happens a couple of times a year. I feel much better having a smaller, curated collection.

That said, I really enjoy seeing others’ unique pickups. In the eevee appreciation thread alone, there are cards I’ve never even heard of that have been someone’s chase card for years.


I doubt I’ll ever ‘quit’ entirely. I already did that once when I ‘grew out’ of Pokemon and then eventually returned so many years later. I can definitely see a point where I won’t be collecting as much due to other responsibilities and commitments. In fact, I’ve already been running into that more the past while due the increased cost of living. During and shortly after the Covid period, I had a ton of savings from working from home which is the main reason I was even able to collect as much as I have the past couple years for the most part.

Anyway, for now I’m going to keep my collection going as long as I can. I really enjoy it and to me the type of enjoyment I get from it is hard to duplicate with other things in life at times and that’s what keeps me pretty attached to it. Not to mention the nostalgia and joy of ones childhood being tied into it all as well for many of us, that’s also a big factor behind my enjoyment of it all.


Base set will never die.

With all the varieties, languages, prints, errors, Holo bleeds, square cuts, Holo shifts, etc., I’m happy collecting for as long as it isn’t museum piece expensive.